
The truth


I pull him back into my arms and he is trembling. Most times, after sex, he is a mess. I guess those are the things that I do to him. I like the way he reacts to me. it makes me feel like the man I want to be for him.

"Sleepy now?'' I ask him. we are both covered in sweat. The weather outside is cool, I like the sound of the waves and I am pretty sure he does too. I brought Jabi to the Maldives because I knew he would like it. I do everything to make him happy and I have never seen him happier. We have been here for four days and we have a week left. I plan to show him a world that he never thought he would experience. I want him to know that as long as he is with me, he will have everything he needs.

He doesn't have to worry about anything.