
The revelation


I hold Rex tightly as he closes his eyes softly. He is exhausted and I don't blame him. I am too but this is a good kind of exhaustion. I would sleep well for the rest of the night.

The sounds of the tree that is close to our room window, are like music to this night. I am smiling even though we would probably pass out soon.

"Blue?'' Gyles calls me in the darkness of our room. I turn so that I can see him better and he is resting on the bed with his elbow. His hair is wet from the shower we had after. It seems like the alcohol has completely left his system.

"Yeah?'' I reply quietly.

Rex is still awake but he is quiet.

Probably listening.

"Do you miss your home?'' he asks calmly.

I furrow my brows in confusion. I haven't really talked about the coven, so this is a surprise. One that I don't know why he is bringing up.

"Not really.''