
The proposal


I don't think my heart can take all this extra gushiness. We have never been the type of couple to show emotions like this. Okay, maybe that is a lie but he has never done anything like this.

He was busy fighting a monster. 

My wolf pipes up a suggestion. Beau has completely obliterated every bit of my heart. I am overwhelmed and we haven't even started the date. I tried to control myself but I just couldn't resist him. At that moment, with his awkward smile, the nervousness in the tone of his voice.

"Come on, sit before we tear our clothes off again,'' he bellows breathing heavily. I smile because he is shirtless as he sits down on the blanket gently. He stretches his legs out next to me and pulls me closer.

"So I know this is pretty strange. I mean, kind of cringey, isn't it?''