
The mastermind


I don't know how long I stay in their arms. I am afraid that the second I let go of them, they will disappear and I will be all alone again.

"Is this real?'' I ask both of them. It has just been a couple of minutes since they came and my heart is already content. The loneliness that took over seems to be clearing away. Their presence is enough to keep me satisfied.

"Not exactly,'' I knew asking was pointless. This is like the last dream we had. Somehow, we can communicate in our dreams. So that means I am probably unconscious somewhere. They are here because they can't get through to me. I am sure of that much.

"Where am I?'' I ask.

Blue grabs my hand and we all walk to the bed, together. Gyles is quiet. I remember what transpired between us before I woke up in the darkness. I hurt him again and no matter how much I tried. I couldn't stop. The controlling was just too much.