
The master of the puppet


"Anything. I just want this to stop,'' I tell him with too much eagerness crawling out of me. I know that there is a possibility that he won't be able to help me but just hearing that there is something he can do, knowing that Blue was unable to get into my head just makes me hopeful.

"I am not saying I can make everything go away but I can trigger you to remember."

Okay, that is not what I wanted. Getting my memory back will help me see things the way there are. I will know who did this to me and maybe with that, the person can get me out of this spell.

"I will rake it. I will take anything,'' I tell him.

He nods "You are going to be doing all the work. I will just get it out of you. Your missing memories are inside your head. They are just being blocked by some kind of spell. I want to try compulsion. Get you to fight the spell. Help you to remember."

I nod.

"Whatever it takes Gyles. I will do anything."