
The finality of death


I watch Major tie her up and I don't know how I feel about it. Rex assured me that they have fixed her immortality and I completely trust him but this means that once she is killed, she is not coming back. 

So this is goodbye. 

Like for real. 

"You know, I always knew I should have gotten ridden of you when you were still a child. I always knew you would become a problem," The smile is still plastered to her face. 

I shouldn't care about this moment because this is the woman that I have wanted to kill for so long. The only emotion I have for her is hate. I hate her so much that seeing her on the wooden pole, tied up, should make me happy but at this moment, it doesn't. I feel sadness and another confusing emotion that I don't understand. 

I want this to happen.

It has to happen and I am happy that we are here, finally at a point in our life where there is the possibility of freedom.