
Strong enough to fight this.


I walk back to the room and Rex shuffles on the bed. He doesn't want to talk to me, it seems like he has nothing o say to me. I know he is still there. Deep down, inside. The man that cares about me is lurking and begging me to come out. I want to bring him out, I have done a lot of mind reading and compulsion since I came back. I know how deep I can get into someone's mind but somehow, it seems like he is blocking me out.

Blue said I should wait. He said he will figure things out and the fact that he is not telling us what he plans to do scares me. I felt the fear in him before he left. Whatever he plans on doing must not be good and I couldn't stop him because I promised myself that I was going to trust him.

He thinks he can handle this on his own but I feel like it is something that we have to do together. we are three powerful people; he doesn't need to shoulder this on his own.