


"Who is in charge? I know there is someone else,'' I manage to ask this question. There is someone that is part of this association.

They all look at each other. There is hesitation in their eyes. it seems like they don't want to tell me who that person is.

"She would like to be kept anonymous for now,'' Major informs me.

I stand up from the couch "That is bullshit. How would you all like for me to go to the elders with this information? Someone in this coven is practising dark magic. The kind of magic that is forbidden and I want to get to the bottom of this."

"No one here is performing dark magic,'' Mage pipes in. I don't care about their words. From all I can see here, I know for a fact that they are somehow involved in this.

"What plan did you guys have to get rid of my mother? If you are being honest about not being part of her attack, tell me what you were going to do."