
No man left behind


"You want to come back, I have been in hiding since you left." 

I take a deep breath as his words sink in. I completely understand why he would do this but I want him to come out of this hiding and help me. 

"Why are you coming back?'' he adds calmly. 

Major has always been able to handle himself and I guess that was why it was easy to leave the coven. Leaving a coven is not the same as leaving a pack. He would be completely fine if he moves on from that place but I also know that his family is still there. 

His mother, father and his little sister. 

I don't think he is happy about leaving the only home he has ever known and maybe if we fix all the wrongs of that place, he could go back home. 

"Analise is still alive,'' I manage even though I still find it hard to believe. Just knowing that she did all that and more makes me sick. 

"Is that a joke?''