
My heart still beats for you


I know the direction of the place we are supposedly having our nightcap. I am excited because being away from the community with Beau is a vacation. No matter where that is. "I know where this is,'' I mutter, not wanting to sound too excited.

He turns to me slowly with a mischievous smile on his face "Are you sure?'' he questions me, even though his mind is screaming out the answer right now.

"You want us to spend the night here?'' I ask him because this doesn't seem like the most romantic idea for a nightcap. I don't want to be a nagging nelly but I expected more?

I don't know.

He parks the car and turns to me fully "You look disappointed. Why?'' he looks at me with worry-filled eyes. I don't want to seem proud or maybe unappreciative but this motel is not the idea I had for a nightcap. I am rich enough to get us a place at a fancy hotel. Somewhere that we could relax.