
More I love you's


"Well if it isn't Tweedle-dee and Tweedledum." 

I recognise the boy. He is the one that started all this. He is the one that hurt Roger that day. As usual, he is not alone. He has his minions by his side but the only difference this time is the fact that Gyles is on the other side of this attack. He grabs Roger by the arm and pulls him closer. 

He is protecting him, making sure no one hurts him. 

"Leave us alone," Gyles cries. 

The boy with the evil smile laughs. This is fun for him. He gets to torment them mentally. 

"So, when did this happen? We thought you were dead," he asks with curiosity in his eyes. 

I know what happened. He would've died but these kids look like they could care less. This is the act of monsters. They have murderous looks in their eyes. I already hate them. 

"Well he is not," Gyles speaks out angrily.