
Major's confession


The cries don't stop.

I don't know if bringing Major here was a good idea but I was all out of options and him coming to the potion room must have been a sign. The fact that I want to do this the right way and haven't been able to, is frustrating. All those years, I was stubborn. I refused to give in to my magic. I didn't want it in the first place and now I need the power more than I ever thought I would be. If I had the experience, I wouldn't need Major to help. I would be able to do this all on my own.

I regret all the decisions I made growing up and if I could undo them, I would but now it is too late and I have to be better for my mates. They depend on me; they need me to be strong and protect them. I know it is not too late. I can still be that and more for them. I want that. I watch the scene and for a second, I feel weak.