
Luckiest man on earth


I walk into my room and all the memories come crawling in. The past that I hate so much. All the suffering. This place is not a good place for me. This place will never be a good place for me but I have to be here.

It is four AM. I am so sure that Gyles is worried. So sure that he would be waiting for my call. I drop the bag with me on the floor and sit down on the bed. I don't even want to look around, I don't want to see the things that I left behind. I grab my phone from my pocket and dial his number immediately.

It takes a while for him to answer but he eventually does and his voice is juddering. I wish this wasn't a phone call and I could hold him right now.

"You are okay, I was sick with worry,'' he blurts into the phone. A smile crawls to my face because I knew he would be.

"Is Rex awake?''

"How can he be asleep? Is that even possible?''