
Keep the enemy close


It is almost two in the morning. I am fucking exhausted right now but I have to keep this smile on my face because that is the only way to keep the facade that I have brought with me.

"The elders are going to need some convincing.''

He is trying to justify why there is hesitation in his eyes. He wants me to be indebted to him.

He wants me to think that he is doing me a favor.

I am just here to find the room. To make sure she doesn't hurt anyone again. He can't tell, so that is a good thing. We are in the living room of the house. He is seated on the same chair that my mother used to sit on. I haven't really confirmed that she is the one but I feel things. They are subtle, some things that she would do, I can see little traits and maybe it is in my head, maybe deep down, I want her to be alive.

I need closure, I need to tell her all the things on my mind.