
Get over yourself


"Why are you calling me again?''

Her voice is cold and distant. At this point, I know I am just milking it. This is too much to ask for from someone I haven't spoken to in a long time. Especially with the way we ended things. I didn't really give Amber the chance to get closure.

I just disappeared and left her, with no explanation as to why I didn't want to continue the relationship. I knew the things that I did with her, the person I was becoming dating amber wasn't the best. So after a lot of interventions from my family, I chose to walk away.

I knew that leaving wouldn't be easy but it was something that I had to do. Something that was best for both of us. I would never fully be hers and she knew it.

"I need your help, there is something on the door, and I don't know if it is a good idea to open the door blindly."