


I drive over to Darrien's apartment all because he commanded me to. Once I get to the parking lot of the building, I dial his number. He answers on the first ring. 

''I am outside,'' I inform him. 

''Will be there in a sec.''

It takes them a couple of minutes to get down but once I see them walk out of the front entrance, I start the car. Jabi is dressed in clothes that look way too big for him, from that I can tell they are for Darrien. Darrien opens the back seat for Jabi and the kid enters with a smile on his face. 

''Hi,'' he mutters shyly. 

I return the smile because I have always liked the kid—I don't know, there was just something about him and now it seems like he is about to become family. Darrien ruffles his hair playfully before closing the door and walking over to the passenger door. He enters and I watch him as he drops a duffle bag on the floor below him.