
Complete feelings with you guys by my side.


I know it is a big risk to bring him back to the place that once condemned him. I know Rex and I know he doesn't want to go but he will also do what I want. That is the kind of person he is. From the first time I met him, I knew. I saw it in his eyes. The desperation to please everyone around him. I am not saying he doesn't have his own opinions but most times, he likes to follow. I am glad he is listening to me right now because Gyles is a lot to handle.

His personality is the complete opposite of rex, so getting him to finally agree to this was a lot harder. I don't actually want them to come back with me but I made a promise to the elders. The only this can end is by finding out who did this.

"We should stay here for the night and then go back to the coven," I suggest and Gyles agrees with a low grunt. He doesn't want to do what I want but I backed him up against a wall.