
Can you choose me?


What the fuck am I doing?

Why am I messing with him?

Why does it feel like I am losing my fucking mind all over again?

The past comes crawling in. those times in the basement. The loneliness. They all come crawling in. bits and pieces that I tried to forget. What really happened after I was kidnapped.

"Fuck,'' I shout out to the sky.

I ran out of his room. I still don't understand how I felt when I heard Blue's voice or why I even felt anything in the first place.

Maybe because he is yours. 

That fucking voice in my head screams. I look up at the sky; I don't know what is going on. Everything is happening too fast. All these emotions, feelings that I have never felt in all my life. It wasn't even like this with Roger. There was no confusion, no fear of loss. Now all I feel are those things.