
Assumptions kills a man


His memory stays engraved in my mind for a couple of minutes. I want to go back into his head but I also know it will be overwhelming for him. He let me in on his own but I know I had to dig deep to get to that point in his life. He doesn't want to remember. That is why he is this sleep/awake state. With vampires, we can stay for a thousand years asleep and wake up like it was just yesterday but Gyles isn't asleep. He is awake but not really present. 

The only thing I can do is find the part of his consciousness that is choosing to be asleep and try and wake him up. The wolves that took him. The people that killed our family, they are now claiming to have been related to him. It just doesn't make any sense to me. 

''We're going to take a break,' I tell him, my eyes open now and on him.