
A true family


"You all are good, that is all that matters,'' I echo into the night. Having this phone call was a relief that I didn't even know I needed. It took a lot of convincing to get Darrien to go to the coven to pick Rex up. I knew they would need him and like I suggested before, they couldn't do it on their own.

"Yeah, we just have to stay here until this thing with the book and the ghosts are sorted out,'' Gyles breathes his explanation through the phone.

He sounds exhausted. I don't blame him. The plight he has been dealt is not for the faintest of hearts but I know that he will come out of this stronger.

"I have missed you?'' I manage because, in all honesty, Gyles is the one person in the pack that I get along with. He has become family in such a short amount of time and I don't want anything to happen to him. My hands hold Colm tighter as I feed him the bottle in my other hand. He is asleep but somehow cranky tonight.