Rose, the beautiful, smart, and strong girl, went undercover to participate in the biggest knight contest in the kingdom. She wanted to become one of Prince Hans's honorable knights due to her father's debt. But, there was something that she didn't know about. Her master was a werewolf. How will she react to that secret? And why does everyone keep calling her" Rosalina"?
After being busy preparing for her birthday party, Rosalina finally found some time to open the book of spells.
- This is the spell that I'm looking for! Let's see...I must draw the circle of life! It is a big circle with a small one in the center. After that I must divide the big circle into three, then I must draw those symbols in each part.....Well, this is not hard. I can do it.
- I see that you already started...You should have waited for me.
Said Seraphina while appearing suddenly beside her.
- How can a witch be surprised this easily?
- I was concentrating on reading the spell
- How did you find it?
- It didn't seem that hard. I can do all of that.
- Well, you didn't get into the hard part yet... Come on, let's try it.
- Where are we going?
- We need a vast place to draw such a big circle.
- Where is it?
Seraphina held her sister's hand:
- I will take you there.