
(25) Stranger take you

( POV Asha Greyjoy )

It was a chilly night. The moon was high in the sky as I stood in the deck of the the Howling Wolf in front of my husband. He looked so beautiful in the moonlight. Oh how I wish he didn't have to go. I don't know what I would do if he didn't come back, what our child would do. My sword hand went to Red Rain at my side while my other went to my stomach. It had a noticeable bulge. A daughter. My first child any day now.

"Please husband don't go." I asked, I didn't beg I had too much pride to beg.

"You know I have to. If I can get the Hightower's to bend the knee to Robb then soon enough the Reach will become ours." He responded with annoying reason

"And how do you expect to convince the old man of anything? They say he hasn't left that blasted tower of his in years. He's been hold up in there since his daughter went mad." I questioned though I knew it was pointless. He's a stubborn old fool my husband.

"Be careful." I asked as I laid a hand on his face

"Always." He responded before leaning in close. Our kiss was short and all to soon it was over. I stared as he sailed his small long boat off towards the Hightower

I looked west towards the Arbor. Towards war.


( POV Tyrion Lannister )

I sipped my wine. I lost count of which one this was. Third, forth, fifteenth. Who knew? I was well nearly finished my glass when I was summoned to the Small Council chambers. My small legs walked up the many stairs to the chamber. I was the last to arrive it seemed.

"So what is the emergency?" I questioned them as I hopped my way onto one of the chairs and poured myself yet another glass.

"My son has returned." Lord Tyrell said and by his tone I could tell that the White Rose didn't return victorious.

"Casualties?" I asked and lord Tyrell bristled while my Uncle Kaven responded

"Osmund Kettleback Knight of the Kings Guard- Dead. Dickon Tarly heir to Hornhill - Mortally wounded. Ser Addam Marband - Captured. Five thousand Tyrell Knights - Dead or captured. Six thousand Lannister Heavy Infantry - Dead or captured." He read from a list in a tired tone and I saw Lord Tarlys hand clench at the mention of his son.

"Let me get this straight. Two Kings Guard, one of the best commanders from the West one of the Best commanders from the Reach as well as fifteen thousand men went into the Kingswood?" I asked

"Yes your point?" Father asked, his tone clipped

"Only one Kings Guard and four thousand men escaped. We have been losing this War since the moment my mad nephew cut of Ned Starks head and now with the loss in the Kingswood Robb Stark could match his army to the gates unopposed." I said amazed

"We're all going to die." I said before gulping the rest of my wine

"Actually Dickon Tarly is likely to survive, if a bit impaired." Came the wheezing voice of Pycell

"Better dead than a cripple." Lord Tarly grunted as he glared his goblet as if the cup had crippled his son not the Northerners.

"Thank you for your input Master of Coin but unless you have a solution to our apparent 'doom' then shall we move on." Father said to me

"We could offer gold, a lordship and a pretty wife to any man who brings us the head of Robb Stark or his brothers." Kaven proposed

"Promises like that only work when your the richest house in Westeros and are winning the War. Currently we are neither." I reminded him. Uncle was too used to having the riches of Casterly Rock that he seems to forget that the Raynes control all that gold.

"Set the bounty anyway" Father said and we spoke about other important matters until father brought up my impending wedding

"Your marriage is in a few days. The King and Queen will attend and you will be presentable. Do you here me, no bouts of drunkenness or foolery." Father spoke to me as if I was a drunken fool. I was no fool. I downed my goblet before refilling it yet again

"Of course Lord Hand." I replied. We spoke of other less important things before finally the meeting ended. After the meeting ended Varys approached me

"My friend. Your not optimistic about our chances in this war?" My…..friend asked me.

"Not in the slightest." I responded before gulping some arbor gold

"My friend if a time where to come when the city is surrounded by angry Northmen and I offered you a boat, to Essos, to a Queen would you take it?" He questioned me

"Hypothetically of course?" I asked, my eyebrow raised in question

"Of course." He responded

"Then we shall sail on a boat, to Essos, to a Queen." I responded and raised my glass he clinked his with my own.

He turned and stalked away, to sling his webs.


( POV Layton Hightower )

I turned from the green fire of the glass candle. The vision. Death. So much death.

"Malora?" My voice croaked

"Malora, my sweet daughter what did you see?" I asked, my voice crazed

"Dark Wings. Death. Death. Death. The raven. You ordered it. Death. Death. It will lead to our death. Death. Death. Death. Death." She said as she stared into the magic flames

"You ordered a death Father. But you trade one life for the life of your whole house." She spoke her voice hollow as blood fell from her eyes, ears and nose.

"Who did you order dead? Lord Layton?" Enquired a voice from the darkness. I turned only to find the Bloody Wolf

"Yours" I croaked as I raised my shaky hands. I grabbed my cane and stood in front of Malora

"I came here to convince you to bend the knee. To cure your daughter of her sickness. But I find out that you've ordered my death. What am I to do?" He asked as he walked towards the desk where the candle sat, along with a letter.

He walked towards the desk and as he did the candle changed from green to a light blue flame. He picked up the letter and read it as i inched my way closer to my sword, propped up against the wall though I was unsure whether or not I would still be able to lift it in my old age.

"To my Good Father Lord Layton Hightower. Blah, Blah, Blah. Kill the bloody wolf as his fleet attacks Oldtown or the Arbor. Blah, Blah, Blah. Greatly rewarded. Blah, Blah, Blah. Your good son Master of Ships Lord Tyrell." He read as he glanced to me then to my Malora.

"How was I to die?" He asked all the humour gone from his voice as he stalked towards Malora. I grabbed my sword and with a strength I shouldn't have in my old age I rushed him. My sword was caught in his hand and the sound of steel meeting wood echoed around the study.

He wrenched the blade from my grasp and I fell to the ground. His free hand wrapped around my Maloras slim neck.

"Tell me, how was I to die?" He whispered to her and her eyes glazed over.

"Death. Death. Burning. Burning. Fire and Death." She responded and she began to shake as more blood poorer from her nose, eyes and ears.

"You saw death in the flames yet I am not on my ship? Who did you see burning?" He asked urgently

"The Bloody one won't burn. No. No. The Kraken. And the little Wolf. Burn. Burn. Death. Fire. Death." She whispered and his hand tightened around my sweet Maloras throat.

His grip loosened and his eye became bleach white for only a moment until he crashed to the floor shaking as tears flowed from his eye, back to the grey from before.

"Burning. Fire. Death." He said his voice broken he looked at me and I saw the sadness in his eye become replaced with malice and anger.

He through Malora to the ground and approached me quickly. He grabbed me by my throat and dragged me to the staircase. The door that lead to the stairs was locked but he ripped the door of its hinges before dragging me up the stairs to the top of the Hightower to where the flame glows brightly. He raised he to his eye, but my vision was bleary.

"You took my wife from me, I will take everything from you." He whispered in my ear as he dragged me to the edge

"Alduin! Frostfyre!" His voice roared with unnatural power and a roar ten times loader answered the call and I was forced to watch as my people, my city, my home was all consumed in the blue fire.

"Seven save me. Father be just. Mother mercy. Smith give me strength. Warrior protect me. Crone guide me. Maid forgive me." I begged to the gods though none seemed to listen

"Stranger take you." Was all I heard before I was hurdling to the ground below.


( POV Asha Greyjoy )

"You called my lady?" Came the voice of Ser Martyn Silverswan. My husbands most loyal man.

"Aye, something isn't right, take the baby and put her on your ship." I commanded as I handed her to the loyal Knight though I struggled as the birth was difficult.

"Is something wrong my lady?" He asked concerned as he held daughter close to his chest

"I'm sure it is nothing just…..just do this please. It would give me piece of mind." I pleaded

"Of course my Lady, as you command. I shall return her to you in the morning." He said before bowing and leaving quickly.

I collapsed on the bed from exhaustion and slept for hours, when I awoke it wasn't to the gentle swaying of the sea or the sunlight peering through the window or even to the sounds of battle.

I awoke to smoke


{ Authors Notes }

Very late chap sorry.

Thorin's got a daughter but not a wife

Oldtown is a burning pile of flames

And Tyrion will soon be married to Sansa

Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed.