
The Weirwood Wolf ( Game of Thrones )

What if Robb stark had a twin brother, what if this brother had a near death experience, what if in his final hours the Old Gods save him. When the Old Gods save Thorin Stark they also bless the whole Stark family. With a Robb Stark who understands politics and with a twin he can always count on how will the War of the Five Kings turn out. (When I first began this fic Thorin was meant to be the MC but as it evolved it seems I have made Robb the MC so I’ve changed the Synopsis to make that more clear.)

Telling_Tall_Tales · TV
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30 Chs

(22) Arriving at the Wall

( POV Jon Stark )

I stared up at the Wall as it loomed over me. I had rode hard from Seagard, Ghost had returned from his hunt, his white fur stained red with blood and Parthunax soured above myself and the ten thousand men that accompanied me. I was nearing Castle Black where I would meet with the Old Bear and discuss this King beyond the Wall that the Lord Commander had mentioned in his letter to Robb.

A week back I had passed through Winterfell, I saw Arya and Bran though Lady Stark ignored me as usual. Bran greeted me on his own two legs with a Weirwood cane in one hand and his other in Summer's fur Arya was covered in dirt, no surprise there and at her side was a thin sword. Summer, Winter (renamed Nymeria) and Lady ran to greet their silent big brother and soon Ghost lead them to the Gods wood to hunt.

I stayed there only for a few days before I set out again but those days where bliss, for the first time since the war started I was able to relax in Winterfell and forget about everything that had happened. I had also been able to introduce Ysilla Royce, my wife to them to them who I had left in Winterfell when I left for the wall, her brother accompanying me on the journey.

As I entered Castle Black I saw the sorry state of the place, I grew up on tales of the Nights Watch, an honourable order defending the realms of men from whatever lurked beyond the wall from their fortresses that lined the Wall instead I found a bunch of thieves and rapists in a fort that was falling apart. But even with the horrible state the watch was in, the Wall was still a marvel to behold.

Once I entered the castle I was greeted by large man, his hair was white and his face wrinkled but he still looked as strong as the Greatjon, that must be the Lord Commander. On his left stood a clean shaven man, his hair was greying, his hand rested on his sword and a snarl on his face. On the Lord Commanders right was Uncle Benjen in his black cloak. I dismounted and approached the three.

"Lord Commander." I greeted the Old Bear with all the respect he was due before facing Benjen

"Uncle." I greeted to him with a smile before embracing him in a tight hug

"Nephew, it has been too long." He greeted me as he returned my hug.

"Aye it has Uncle, I wished to see you before you passed from old age" I jested

"Old age, why you little shit, I might be getting old but I can still nock you on tour arse in the yard, boy!" He said in mock outrage before chuckling and embracing me yet again

"How I have missed you Jon" he said. After finishing our hug I turned to the other man and offered my hand

"I don't believe we've met, Jon Stark. I introduced my self

"Ser Allister Thorne, Master of arms at Castle Black." he took my hand with a scowl

"Let me introduce my own companions" I say before he's tiring to my right then my left

"My Father in law Lord Yohn Royce, and Lord Galbert Glover." I introduced them.

After we greeted each other the Lord Commander asked if we wanted to retire to his solar and I agreed. Yohn and Lord Glover went to set a camp for the troops while me, Uncle Ben and the Lord Commander went to his solar.

"So tell me about this King beyond the Wall?"


( POV Robb Stark )

"Your Grace." I heard from behind me

I was standing on one of the outer walls that made up the defences of Summerhall, even as a ruin the castle was impressive. I turned to see who called me and when I turned I saw Granduncle Brynden, his advice had been extremely helpful during the War of the Five Kings as some called it.

Though my own army had taken to calling it the War of the Wolves after me and my brothers names that the Lords sometimes refer to us as, 'The Wolves of War'. At the beginning of the War many of my own Lords called me a green boy who was playing at war, never to my face of course but I knew anyway.

Their thought where evident in their name, the Young Wolf I was called, at the beginning no doubt some used the name to mock me but soon enough many spoke it with almost religious zealous. Now though as I grew older I have been given a different name by my men, 'The Wolf King'.

"Yes Ser Brynden." I asked the Blackfish as I began to walk through through the camp with him.

"If you where planning to take Kings Landing why did you send the bulk of your forces with your brothers?" He asked

"I sent ten thousand men North with Jon to protect my land from the Wildling invaders." I explained to him

"I sent twenty three thousand men with Thorin. Those men will meet with the seventeen thousand strong host that has been consolidating power in the West." I continued and Brynden listened with rapt attention

"With the combined might of forty thousand men my brother will take Casterly Rock then he will split the host leaving twenty thousand men in command of Lord Karstark and Lord Karstark will bring the West to heel and eventually they will bend the knee." I said to him

"Then my brother will take his remaining twenty thousand men and his fleet and he will sail to the Reach, while he attacks from the West we will attack from the east." I said

"So we're not marching on Kings Landing?" He asked confused

"You are, you will march with a mix of Northmen and Rivermen, numbering three thousand as well as three thousand men from the Stormlands. You will hunt Tywins scouts in the Kingswood and he will have no idea of your numbers or your position."

"He will assume I'll be marching the bull of my forces to the city and he will prepaid for a siege and while he's busy doing that, Thorin will be sacking Casterly Rock and I will be burning the Reach." I told him

"Now prepare your men Grand Uncle, you march on day break."


{ Authors Notes }

So I've decided no White Walkers

Next chap we'll have Thorin taking Casterly Rock

And I've changed the Synopsis