

In the year 2300, some scientists from Helios world finally found the way to travel faster then light. when this news spread wide and far, all the human on this planet started celebrating because finally they can explore the stars. During one of the test flight, they accidentally opened a different dimension. which brought Helios world to the ruin. even after many research and experiments they couldn't figure out the reason. can only watch as the humanity lost 50% of its population in the blink of an eye. but the appearance of a person brought a new hope for them , who could control fire like in the movies and novels. after certain period of experiments they come to conclusions that , when the air( virus/ different energy/ mana) from the different dimension leaked. it didn't only brought ruin to our world but it is also brought something magical. since then humanity took a different turn and started welcoming supernatural being who has the power to destroy a city with bare hands. this changes not only happened with the humans but the beast and plants aswell. Ethan our protagonist however was unfortunate and didn't awakened any superpower. making him a losser in the area he lived in. but one day ethan went to forest in anger and tried to hunt beast but unfortunately he had to run away with a grave injury. on the verge of dying ethen got a system which saved his life. but ethen was not happy because it was the weakest system in history. Ethan: if you think, my system is really the weakest then it's your loss. ( hello readers, if you want to read this book just persist until the 30 chapter and if you don't like the book even after that than I can only say sorry And if you like my book for it's story and then pls leave a honest review. no matter how your review is. i will appreciate it very much.)

UniverseM007 · Fantasía
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46 Chs

9. First Day Of Training

" This is a good place i think. " Ethan thought about it while rubbing his chin.

" Are you going to wait for them?" System asked puzzle." Why in the world , you are waisting your time on those idiots."

" Oh this is just an appetizer before a big meal inside the forest. " Ethan replied with a soft smile. For system this smile was like a devil.

' this guy is dangerous, I have to be careful not to piss him off someday.' system thought and started praying for those unfortunate souls.

As ethan waited for 10 minutes. A sound of foot steps came from the front .Ethan who sitting beside a tree , stood up and stretched his body.

In a second they were standing in front of him. And laughing wildly.

" Boss look , because of fear he can't even move any further. " One of underlings said.

" Yes boss and now watching us , he is going to piss in his pants very soon." Hearing this everyone of them started laughing loudly not fearing any beast. They think their boss is powerful supernatural being.

Actually the most exited person was non other then Ethan. Who was waiting for this day for God knows how long. All the bulling and suffering he had suffered during all this time, He was going to get perfectly even by beating this people.

Ethan didn't say anything and just pointed his finger toward one of the underlying. Suddenly a fire guessed out from his finger and turn into an arrow which directly shot toward an underlying precisely on his knees.

For a while nobody could understand what happened but when the person who got shot suddenly screamed historically. This Made everyone sweat in fear. And also understand that they are the one is in danger .

" Boss he took down one of our man. He is a supernatural being pls boss fight him and make him pay." Shouted the previous underling who was following behind ethan.

But delas at this time stood routed to the ground, fear started to manifest on his face. He could feel his body trembling with fear. Very desperately he wanted to ask for forgiveness but no a single sound could come out from his mouth.

" You really are idiots, following him without knowing his power. " Ethan was speechless. But his hands didn't stop. Arrows kept coming and as well as screams of this idiots. But ethan held his hand not to make them cripple for life.

After all of them were on the ground. Ethan stopped. And walked in front of them. " Always remember whenever you see me in the future, just run away or I will not be so merciful like today. Now get lost."

Hearings that he was not going to kill them . They breath a sigh of relief and stood up slowly. Even though they felt like crying from the pain but did not let out a single voice out of fear. And went toward the edge of the forest while limping.

Ethan after finishing his business ran to the inner area . Now there wouldn't be anyone coming between him and his training.

But just as he went inside the forest, a monster suddenly appeared in front of him. Making ethan stop on the spot.

Ethan couldn't help but ask system. " What kind of monsters is this. "

" I don't know ethan "

" How come system in the novels can tell which monster is that and what item is in his hand. And you don't even know a single thing. "

" Did you forgot my name." Ethan became speechless by the answer but he didn't had time to reply because the strange monster coming towards them with full speed.

Because of not enough prectice, ethan can't accurately shot the arrow. so he didn a simple thing and used multiple arrows simultaneously. And shot towards the upcoming monster.

As the arrows flew through the air , blocking the monster path. Nowhere to go, the monster took hit on multiple places by the arrow. And surprisingly one of the arrow found its way to the monsters knee cap. Making the monster unable to run . When he came to stop. Another arrow went inside his eyes making it cry in agony.

Now monster really regretted coming to fight with this human so he wanted to turn around and run. but how could ethan gave up on him. He just shot 3rd round of arrows and the monster took his final breath.

Looking at the dead monster. Ethan brought out a book from his inventory and started looking through it.

It was a book about monster that had been recorded in an encyclopaedia.

And the name of this book is monster encyclopaedia.

After looking through it for a quite a while ethan finally found a match.

This monster is called lenticore. Who is a hunter type monster. Walks on his two feets, he hunts anytime day or night. Is very dangerous. We have to be careful with his claws, which are very poisonous.

After looking through some important points ethan closed the book. And Started to walk further. First thing he has to do is to look for natural shelter.

After walking for an hour or so ethan finally found a cave which belongs to some monster who used to live long before he came. Because this cave is full of dry leafs. And there is no clearing where monster used to sit.

After going inside, ethan started cleaning the place a little. well, he has to spend 3 months so isn't it obvious.

After the cleaning finished, ethan went outside brought a lot of dry branches and leafs . Putting them all at the entry point so no other monster could find his hidden place.

After done with his chores ethan took out some cane food and ate it with relish. All the cane foods are made of high quality monster meat so it was tasty and quite good for body aswell.

After done with his lunch, ethan once again left the cave for some monster hunt.