
The Weakest Otherworlder

In a world where everyone was gifted an opportunity to devour everything in front of them, but what if that opportunity was out of reach? And suddenly a being that they called a God came down and gave everyone a spoon so they could reach them and devour them? Everyone devoured all those opportunities and satiated their greed. Power, wealth, you name it. But there was a person who could only watch those people satiating themselves with a spoonful of power and wealth. So, he prayed to that so-called God. "Please! Just give me an opportunity just like the others, God! Even if it's just a tiny bit! I would really appreciate it!" A young man with messy long gray hair asked God with tears in his eyes as he watched the people around him being killed by Otherworlders. [You have been chosen] [God has gifted you the power to devour all opportunities!] [Welcome, Candidate Alseace LaRoze] "You're kidding, right?" Alseace asked in a trembling voice and forced a smile as he stared at the ability God gave him. "What the fuck am I going to do with this?!" He shouted at God who gave him the ability and glared at the cloudy night. While everyone was given a normal spoon, Alseace LaRoze was given a spoon with a giant hole that even a grain of sand would be hard to pick off with it. Alseace chuckled in disbelief and started laughing as the people around him screamed in agony. "You gave me an ability called Leftover?! Don't joke around!" Alseace screamed his lungs out. [God gave you what you wished for, be grateful]

Iqfauli · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
52 Chs

Chapter 50: Worsen.

"Katya!" Violette shouted and hurriedly ran toward Katya who was thrown away past above the others who were fighting against the demons that surrounded them.

Katya's face was covered by her own blood that came down from her forehead. She didn't move a muscle as she was sitting and leaning against the wall that she struck. She fainted from the demon's attack that hit her whole body with a club made of bedrock, the similar giant demon that she fought.

Gratya, Ando, and Nero didn't have the time to check on Katya's condition since their hands were full. A second of doubt and distraction would be enough to get them killed by the demons. So, they let Violette check on Katya since she wouldn't have a problem with her [Third Eye] skill.

"Katya? Katya!" Violette shouted as she shook Katya's shoulders and stared at her with a worried expression. "Someone with healing magic come and treat her!" Violette shouted as she looked at the Candidates around her.

Four Candidates ran toward Katya and immediately used healing magic to stop the bleeding. With that many healers, Katya slowly regained consciousness as she groaned in pain.

"Vio, how long did I faint?" Katya looked at Violette with only her right eye that barely opened. She looked at the four Candidates that were healing her wounds, but when she tried to move her body, she felt her body had become a mess. "(I can't move?)" Katya thought to herself as she looked at her own body.

"Katya! Can you move? We are surrounded and we can't hold our position any longer!" Violette said as she fought three demons at the same time.

"I can't move... my spine and my ribs..." Katya answered. She then coughed blood and realized she might have ruptured her lungs as well because of her broken ribs. "Leave me..." Katya said as she lowered her head abs hid her face with her hair.

Violette looked at Katya and didn't even hesitate to grab Katya and put her onto her shoulder. Katya was surprised and in immense amounts of pain as well, but then Violette carried her away from danger.

"What are you doing..." Katya asked. "Everyone is in danger if you just focused on me," Katya pointed out.

"It's exactly what I'm doing, Katya. Everyone is sacrificing themselves for their Guildmaster. They can be replaced, but not you," Violette answered as she kept running to group up with Gratya and the others. "It's not my decision, it's theirs," Violette pointed out and left the Candidates that were slowly getting massacred by the demons.

Katya slowly lifted her head to look at her own guild members getting killed, eaten, and crushed by the demons. She looked at them with her eyes open because it was her own punishment for being weak.

"You must be joking, right..." Violette said and saw dozens of giant demons surround Gratya and the others. "How are we going to survive against them all? And how did they suddenly appear out of nowhere? They're fucking giants for fuck sake!" Violette shouted with her eyes wide open.

Katya didn't say anything because she was busy enduring the pain all over her body. She was barely able to stay awake, and the more pain she endured, the sleepier she became. She then saw all the giant demons, at the same time raising their weapons.

"It's over... we are no match for them..." Katya said quietly with her eyes closed.

Nero created a giant dome from the ground and protected everyone with it. He used everything he got and exhausted himself since he had never created a giant dome and a thick one as well.

"I hope this should be enough..." Nero said and fell to his knees.

Violette and Katya watched as all the giant demons swung their weapons down. The dome couldn't handle the impact and crumbled immediately once all the weapons hit the dome. They heard people's screams from the distance and there was nothing they could do about it.

The giant demons watched the dome crumble and laughed at the screams of pain and fear of the people inside. The giant demons then raised their weapons again and kept pounding the ground where hundreds of people were trapped inside the dome.

Violette cried and her knees went weak so she fell as she was still carrying Katya on her shoulder. Suddenly, thunder rumbled in the sky, and a lightning bolt struck one of the giants right on the head. Violette then looked up and saw Elenoir floating in the sky with sparks all over her body and lightning bolts struck her over and over.

"Elenoir..." Violette said under her breath.

Katya had fainted and didn't know what had happened after she saw the dome crumble. Elenoir then struck all the giants with thick and fierce lightning bolts that were striking her. She didn't show any mercy and struck every demon on the ground over and over.

Elenoir flew down with the glowing lightning sword in her hand, and the sword started to burst because it had been charged. She then swung her sword as soon as she was in range of one of the giant demons and cut its body in half.

She landed on top of the rubble and looked at all the giant demons slowly collapsing after getting struck by lightning dozens of times in a few seconds. She then looked down and saw Nero trying to protect everyone with everything he got, but only a few of them survived.

She was glad that Gratya, Ando, Nero, and Hunter survived since all she cared about were those four. She then turned around and saw Violette carrying Katya on her shoulder. She used [Lightning Trail] to approach them and protect them from the demons that survived.

After Elenoir single-handedly butchered all the demons, Lazuli and all the teams came and grouped up with Gratya and Nero's teams. They were surprised at how bad the condition was, and Lazuli looked at Violette covered in bruises. He was glad that he didn't end up with her because he knew he wouldn't be able to survive without Elenoir.

"How many survive?" Elenoir asked as she sat down on the rubble.

"Not much. More than half died," Gratya shook her head. "Looking at their condition, they can't or even don't want to go anymore," Gratya said and looked at the Candidates who were still traumatized by what had happened.

Elenoir fixed her coat as she stood up and said, "They can stay and die, or move forward and live. Tell them that."

Gratya, Ando, and Nero nodded with understanding and went on to inform the others about it. On the other hand, Violette and Lazuli were shocked by how heartless Elenoir could be since she didn't even care about the deaths of the people around her.

Gratya and the others agreed to let Elenoir lead the team after they merged into one big team. Nobody else fits in to lead since Elenoir was trained and born with leadership traits. That was why Sierra favored her the most compared to the others, and that was why Sierra trained her the hardest.

"What do you mean by the cloud of flames?" Hunter asked Elenoir as he walked behind Elenoir with Lazuli.

"On my way here, I saw it in the middle of the city. It was covered in flames, but it was up high in the sky. I'm not sure what it was, but we are going there now because I believe that's where Sierra and Alseace are," Elenoir answered as she looked around and noticed how quiet the city had become. "Also, the demons stop coming toward us, and I think it's because of Sierra since she's the one that the Archduke wants," Elenoir continued.

"This mission, it's all about her, isn't it? Is there something that you know that we don't?" Lazuli asked.

Before Elenoir could answer his question, they felt cold and mist flew past them from their right side. They all looked at where the mist came from and saw the buildings were covered in ice and realized it was Mihangel's doing. Elenoir decided to approach it and wanted to merge with his team as well since it would make their survivability higher.

"Mihangel," Elenoir said as soon as she saw Mihangel and Ackerly standing at the junction.

"Elenoir?" Mihangel looked confused because he saw everyone on the same team as Elenoir. "What happened?" Mihangel asked.

"You can see it in their eyes what happened," Elenoir said as she tilted her head at the Candidates that had lost the will to fight. "Let's merge because I know where we should go," Elenoir said as she looked at Mihangel's team which also had lost a few men.

Mihangel nodded in agreement and then asked Hunter what had happened to his team. He listened to how bad it was compared to his team and realized how helpless they were to deal with the demons.

"Where's Lucretia and Louvenia?" Mihangel asked.

"I don't know, I don't think they're near us, since my team and your team were the ones on the right side of the city," Elenoir answered.

"Wait a minute. I remember one team shot a red flare and I think that was Lucretia's team," Renata pointed out as she joined in the conversation.

Mihangel and Elenoir looked at each other and worried that Lucretia and Louvenia were in trouble.

"I'll go and check on them," Elenoir said as she tried to form a thunderstorm, but then she staggered and almost fell.

"You need to rest! You have been using your ability to the limit," Gratya said and helped Elenoir to stand.

"No, I have to..." Elenoir answered as she tried to act like she was okay.

"I don't think it's necessary," Hunter said as he looked in the distance. "Over there," he pointed out.

They all looked at where Hunter pointed his finger and saw Lucretia was unconscious and was being carried by Louvenia in her arms. What surprised them was that there was nobody else behind Louvenia, and it seemed that their teams had been annihilated by the demons.

"Looks like they got even worse than us," Nero said.