

Iris has been a warrior princess and the only daughter but the last child of the king and queen of Philadelphia. all princess have their destiny in the hands of their father or husband, while Iris's destiny is different when it is all placed in hope. a kingdom ruled with just and proper decree turned otherwise within the hands of time. Iris watches her kingdom crumble from an unjust war and her family dies in grief and pain. heeding her mother's last words she left the kingdom and traveled very far away but vows to return and retain back her kingdom and avenge the death of her loved ones. on her journey to winning back her Kingdom, Iris ends up falling in love with the son of her enemy. will the love build her strength to gain victory or would it render her weak? join in her adventure as she struggles to gain back what is rightfully hers.

Halimah_Bello · Historia
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56 Chs


Everyone was summoned to the courtroom after breakfast for the final judgment, the Heidinburg housekeeper was also present along with the Graris guard.

Clinton sat on his throne as he broke the room's silence.

Clinton's POV

I summoned you here today to ask a few questions regarding Lady Vivian "he asked gazing towards Heidinburg's housekeeper Agnes. Yes, she replied with courtesy.

As the maiden in charge of the maid's welfare, what do you know about Vivian's family and background?

Your Highness, I was the one that chose Vivian to work as a maid in the castle of Heidinburg and I only know that she used to live with her old grandma before she started to work in the palace, nothing else your lordship "Agnes concluded".

Is This grandmother of yours' being alive? Yes, she is "Vivian replied".

Emerick go and get the old woman here, Agnes would follow you for directions, "Clinton ordered".

Hercules the Graris guard stood firmly with his arms crossed as he watched Emerick and Agnes leave the courtroom.

Your...… Your highness some other guards from Graris are outside and they were with a dead body which looks like lady Vivian "one of the security guards stammered before Clinton".

Clinton became wide-eyed by the guards, and so was everyone else including Vivian. Those are my men your highness "Hercules said with a bow".

Let them in "Clinton return".

Everyone stared in curiosity as the Graris soldiers walked into the courtroom with a body that seemed to be lifeless.

Greetings your highness we are from the Graris empire and we are sure Hercules already told you about our search which brings about the reason why he came here in the first place "one of the soldiers introduced".

Yes, I'm aware of his allegation, would you go on? "Clinton replied in sarcasm"

On our way to the palace, we found some villagers punishing this woman for theft, and due to our findings, we discovered, that she was the one we were searching for and that lady Vivian is innocent "the soldier concluded".

What findings did you make "Clinton intrigued"?

The lady we were searching for had a star-shaped birthmark on her neck, but the real mystery is how she has a great resemblance with lady Vivian "the soldier replied".

Vivian broke down in tears as she crawled on her knees toward the dead body, this is my twin whom I have heard so much of, from my grandmother and never believed truly existed "she continued in agony".

I and Bryanna walked closer to her, to wipe her tears and comfort her from her thoughts.

Clinton held on to her hands making her stand on her feet as he wiped the tears off her face, it is all gone now you don't have to cry "Clinton said in a comforting manner".

I know I never believed I was a twin but I never wished for our reunion to be like this "she growled in sorrow".

Moments later, a shadow made its way into the courts' room, Vivian raised her head from Clinton's arms as she realized the figure was her grandma's.

Here she is your highness "Emerick said bringing in the old woman as she took slow steps into the room".

Agnes' hands held a mouth as she noticed the dead body on the ground.

Grandma, Vivian said running towards the old woman, I have missed you so much grandma and I am so sorry for not believing your words "Vivian mumbled as she remained in a long hug with her grandma in tears".

I have witnessed, that you have finally seen your twin. I am sorry things had to take the wrong turn "the old woman mumbled in distress".

We are sorry the situation took a sad downturn your highness, but we have to deliver the message to the emperor and make him aware of her death.

since she was killed in your kingdom and is related to Lady Vivian, we would live the dead body for proper entombment "Hercules the troop leader said in deference".

Of course, you have done well, you may take your leave "Clinton replied".

Some servants walked in to clear the dead body.

You have had enough crying for today, come on let's go to your room "I, Bryanna, and Cordelia calmed her as we led the way to her room".

Clinton warmly welcomed Vivian's grandma into the palace and offered some maidens to offer her a room and some new clothes to change into.

After such a long comforting Vivian fell asleep on her grandmother's knees with the other parts of her body on the bed.

We all tiptoed out of the room to avoid waking her up and we quietly shut the door behind us after leaving.

She is now asleep now there is nothing for you to worry about your highness "Margarette Vivian's grandma curtseyed to Clinton".

I appreciate your kind gestures but I would love for you to refer to me as your grandson and not as a king "Clinton mumbled in respect".

All right, my son, I can see your love for her is genuine and strong, your union is blessed my child, Margarette said patting her palms on his shoulders as he bowed before her".