
The Warrior of the Highlands and the Forbidden Sword of Anihilation

Born to a poor family way up in the Scottish Highlands , William Crawford is a 17 year old Born to be raised as a serf to his brutal king, King Wilson Carmichael. Crawford has been tormented for too long and takes his little brother , Willy , to try to escape but they are caught and both are scheduled to be executed

Aj_Gant · Cómic
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2 Chs

Volume 1 Prolouge

It was an normal evening in the middle of the growing season. I had just finished my required 14 hours of farm work for that shitty king . Sigh ... My back was aching all over so badly that I could not even lean over anymore .

Normally after a long days work, I would head to the tavern in the peasent common area, but my back is literally about to detach itself from the rest of my body. This is pain that I could not use a word to describe how much pain I am feeling.

Anyways, enough about me complaining about my back and my unhealthy love for taverns. My name is William Crawford, and I am a 17 year old teen living in the most remote part of scotland , The Scottish Highlands. I came from the House of Crawford, a family that was once the ruling family of the highlands , but is now a defunct house where most of the remaining Crawfords are serfs for the tyrannical king .

About 100 years before I was born , there was no question on the rule of the House of Crawford because there was no other then us who inhabited the Highlands. That all changed about 50 years ago. In Glasgow, the House of Carmichael , under the rule of king Baron Carmichael, had recently won a civil war over the House of May , Which is now extinct, over who controlled the city and surrounding area . Rather the focus on rebuilding a war torn City, The Carmichael's decided that they were going to be the rulers of all of Scotland.

They thought that the goal was attainable because of them controlling the historical capital, which in turn made the Carmichael's believe they were the chosen family to rule. At first , they were very successful in their goal . The Carmichael's easily took Edinburgh within 2 months of the start of the conquest. However , once it was time to battle against the House of Crawford, The Carmichael's could not win any battle against King Auther Crawford, who was my grandfather, as the terrain was beyond what the House of Carmichael was expecting. At times , their army would outnumber the Crawfords by a 8 to 1 ratio, but the Crawfords were tactical and made very descicive moves , such as causing an intentional mudslide on a passing Carmichael army that was walking through .The Carmichael's suffered over 3000 casualties in just that incident alone


Power , Which was the only thing the Crawfords lacked , would be the eventual downfall of the house . The lack of Manpower had caught up to them at the famous battle of High Mound . The battle was a massacre. what was left of The Royal Crawford army ,had been completely wiped out. King Auther Crawford was then beheaded in front of the entire remnants of Crawford army and nobility by King Baron himself. That was 13 years ago . I was forced to watch my own grandfather get beheaded by a man I never knew . Following that King Baron declared himself the king of The Highlands and all of Scotland. His smug face made me want to punch him in the face back then. Baron also ordered all Men over the age of 25 to pledge allegiance to him or be executed by his knights.

My father , Barclay Crawford, who was next in line to the throne whisper ed into my mom's ear" Janet , I love you , Meet me at the Oarkneys if you can" and then Dashed away while no one was looking . That was the last time I ever saw my father .

After making our pledge of allegiance to King Baron, we were sent to live with a bunch of other serfs in a cottage the size of about a football pitch . Over 800 of us were squished into a dark room .

Years have past since that day. I am now old enough to lose any memory about ever being in nobility . My mom, who was pregnant at the time of the unfortunate events , Gave Birth to my only brother , Willy. Willy was really the only person who could ever cheer me up because he never knew about the unfortunate events. He always had a smile . Willy, who is now 12 , is still too young to work on the fields . Under the laws laid down , kids were required to go to school until they were 16 . They never really taught anything other than trying to Brainwash me into thinking I was never alive for what happened . I always considered Willy like my own son even though I was not that older than him . He was my only true family I had .Not long after Willy was born , my mother , who didn't like me or Willy because we resembled her of Barclay committed the murder of King Barons pet dog. She was not given a trail as was immediately beheaded on the spot. Of course, I was throne in a dungeon for a whole week simply because of being related to her . I was only given 2 minutes outside each day to eat food and water.

all of this because of her

Not long ago King Baron died of natural causes.His only son , Wilson Carmichael, took over the throne . King Wilson was so tyrannical that he made Baron look like a great guy. Once every week he will walk out into the fields and just point at a person . The next day , whoever he pointed at was killed by the knights . You have to be a very cruel person if you like watching people die to amuse yourself .

Not long after I made my way back to cottage , There was a knock on the door. I opened he door only to find King Wilson Carmichael to be the one ho knocked. Immediately me,Willy ,and the rest of the serfs were on a knee to show our Pledge of Allegiance to our king .

What he did next shocked me . " I am about tired of watching people have quick deaths , maybe I need a new form of execution." " My Lord , we don't need any more bloodshed , why do you insist on death ?" asked an elderly man . King Wilson approached the man be started be beat him up with a boot .

"Silence!" he yelled .

I felt bad for the old man but he knew better that to question the king.

" Starting tomorrow , we will have a weekly death fight between one of you scrawny Peasents and my top knight, Hahahahahahahaha!" King Wilson started to laugh histeraclly .

I then never expected what happened next .

the point of death.

the finger of death .

He pointed at me.

"tomorrow at sunset, your shitty self vs Commander Ben , At sunset, Prepare to die Peasent !"

I already knew my fate .

I will be dead tomorrow at Sunset