
The Warden of Sexy Witches

Experiencing life as a warden in a different world is quite the journey, to say the least. Thieves, pirates, assassins, master deceivers, terrorists... Werewolves, vampires, witches, necromancers, succubi... Welcome to the Rose Iron Prison, where the most dangerous witches from around the world are gathered. "I am determined to make this the best model prison in the world!" declared a prison guard who had crossed over to this alternate realm. "Warden, there's been another jailbreak!" "Bring them back and throw them into solitary confinement." Today at the Rose Iron Prison, it's another peaceful day. The warden remarked, "I'm just diligently managing my prison, how did I become a big shot in a different world?"

Feeding Pigeons in the Square · ACG
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Chapter 7 Don't Mess with Daddy_1

After Aiden had dismissed Flandre and the two prisoners from cell number six, he brought a chair over and sat down opposite Veronica, "So, I suppose you'll cooperate with my investigation, won't you?"

Veronica sized him up with a strange expression, her eyes half filled with confusion and half with caution.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Isn't it basic procedure to get to the bottom of things before handling them? You've been a police officer yourself, so there's nothing strange about it," Aiden started the questioning on his own, "Tell me what happened, the more detail the better."

"..." Veronica continued to stare at him, silent.

After a few seconds of eye contact, Aiden sighed, "What, you don't want to talk? Is no one willing to cooperate with me today?"

"I, I don't like to shower with those criminals," Veronica suddenly spoke.

Aiden was slightly taken aback but then listened carefully as she continued to speak.

With an expressionless face, Veronica went on, "That's why I deliberately waited until everyone else was done before I went in, and while I was halfway through my shower, I heard people talking in the changing room—Werewolves have much better hearing than humans, so I could hear everything clearly. Those two were extorting the succubus, demanding she transfer them money, or they would find an opportunity to cripple her."

Aiden nodded slightly, this explanation did make sense.

The barrier in Rose Iron Prison could seal magic power, and prisoners like Fille, who had no skills other than their natural ability to cast spells, were powerless here. What's more, she was very rich. To seasoned robbers like Katherine and Anna, she was a walking money bag.

"And then you intervened?" Aiden asked with an amused smile, "Very just of you."

"I was just annoyed by their noise," Veronica frowned.

"And then you got into a fight? Who threw the first punch?" Aiden narrowed his eyes.

That was the crux of the issue. Normally, the likes of Katherine and Anna, who were bullies but cowards at heart, were unlikely to provoke Veronica.

Not only was Veronica a Pureblood Werewolf, but she was also a death row inmate soon to be executed. It would have been easy for her to kill them and she would have had no concerns about consequences.

Flandre immediately assumed that it was Veronica who had caused trouble, based on this point. Honestly, if Veronica answered that they had been the ones to attack first, Aiden wouldn't have believed it.

But Veronica shook her head, "When I went to the changing room to warn them, they pretended to calm down on the surface. But as I was about to go back to the shower to continue, I heard them fighting in the changing room. Then I returned to the changing room, only to see those two kicking and beating the succubus. It was too excessive; I couldn't stand it..."

"So, you intervened?" Aiden smirked meaningfully, "Okay, so according to your story, Fille was knocked out by those two?"

The extent of the injuries from the brawl suggested that Fille was much more hurt than Katherine and Anna, and it was crucial to establish responsibility for this matter.

"..." Veronica was silent for a moment before replying, "No, it was the soap."

"What?" Aiden didn't quite understand.

"When I started to beat up those two, the succubus tried to sneak away amidst the chaos. She slipped on the soap I had dropped on the floor, hit her head on the cabinet, and knocked herself out. It was an accident."

"Oh? You're admitting to your mistakes quite candidly," he said.

Aiden was somewhat surprised; if that was the case, then the responsibility for Fille's concussion would fall on Veronica's negligence, and Veronica readily admitted this.

"I have a clear conscience," Veronica said calmly.

"If that's the case, then why didn't you clarify this from the beginning? When Flandre accused you, you didn't even offer a single defense."

"If I had, would you have believed me?" Veronica said with a wooden expression.

Aiden thought about it and said, "Whether I believe you or not, I'll decide after I've spoken to everyone. But if you don't speak up, no one else will even have the chance to believe you, right?"

Having finished, he stood up, gestured to the prison doctor, and moved towards the room inside to check on Fille's condition.

Just as he put his hand on the doorknob, Veronica's voice came from behind him, "I'll thank you for now."

Aiden paused, then turned in surprise, "Thank me? I just let you tell your story, that doesn't mean I believe you."

"Just thanking you for the chance to speak," Veronica said slowly, sitting in the chair with her back to him, "People rarely give me the chance to speak, simply because I am a werewolf."

"Really..." Aiden couldn't find more words to say right away, as every word Veronica spoke carried an unusual weight, making it hard for him to think of how to respond.

He opened the door and saw Fille lying on the bed in the center of the room.

"How much longer until she wakes up?" he asked the prison doctor by the bedside.

"I don't know, but if the warden wants her to wake up right away, there is a way," the doctor said, handing over a silver needle used for stitching wounds.

"Use this to poke her?" Aiden frowned, "That seems a bit inhumane."

"No, what I mean is for you, the warden, to prick your finger with this and then feed her a few drops of your blood," the doctor said in a professional tone, "A succubus can extract magic power from a man's fluids to heal wounds."

Aiden gave the doctor a skeptical look, and the doctor confidently nodded.

After hesitating for a few seconds, he chose to prick his finger with the silver needle and then brought his finger close to Fille's lips, squeezing out a few drops of blood into her mouth.

Fille reacted immediately, her eyebrows moving, and then her tongue came out to lick the tiny bit of blood on her lips.

The next second, she sat up sharply, took Aiden's finger into her mouth, and began to suck hard.

Aiden was startled and instinctively tried to pull his finger away.

But Fille gripped his wrist tenaciously, still groggy, calling out, "Ambrosia! This is the taste of the ambrosia from before!"

Aiden simply drew his gun from his waist and pressed it against Fille's forehead, "No ambrosia here, but a bullet can definitely fill you up!"

Frightened by the gun, Fille's body jolted, and she opened her eyes to meet Aiden's gaze.

After blinking twice, she suddenly forced a smile with a cringe and laughed awkwardly, "Lord Aiden, what's this about? Why point a gun at me? I'm scared…"

"Cut the act!" Aiden tapped her head with the butt of the gun.

"Ouch!" Fille covered the spot where she'd been hit, looking pitiful.

"Now that you're awake, answer my questions! What exactly happened in the changing room?" Aiden didn't bother with further small talk and went straight to questioning.

Upon hearing this, Fille snapped to attention and suddenly burst into tearful complaints, "Waaaah… Lord Aiden, I'm telling you, those two bitches actually extorted me in the changing room, and they hit me, I was so scared!"

While she cried, she instinctively threw herself on Aiden, who emotionlessly pressed the gun to her head and pushed her back, "Don't touch me. If you get any closer, believe it or not, I'll take it as assaulting a guard and execute you right here!"

"Got it, got it…" Fille pouted and finally calmed down.