
Chapter 8: The corpse of a lover

I shot my gun with mighty rage of a rhino I ran 2 miles with a rush of speed bursting into no mans land. I hid behind a grave making sure the german's wouldn't get me. The field of trip mines would help If I threw my bayonet so they knew I was here but I aimed at the mine field. It would kill all of them.

'Hey hult' The german shouted

'Oh no' I whispered. They blew up that moment and we where all saved.I ran back in the battle-ground and saw many more men killing innocent beings. April picked me up and pulled me home.It turned out to be just a dream I woke up with no April and not older.

'Your purked up' said uncle Andrew. I came over out of my hospital bed to hug uncle Andrew.

'glad your here' I cried

'Why' Uncle Andrew replied

'You died didn't you'? I questioned

'Of course not' he replied. Uncle Andrew walked away, the doctors and nurses put me to sleep, then I fell into a dream again.

dream: I was in a dark room with water filled up to my feet. I found out uncle Andrew is trying to save me. He is saving me from a widow a sort of virus that kills you and bursts your feelings into dead bones.

I held my uncle's hand and he started to tell me tales and the knowledge of the war. He said; my father died 1 year ago. He was a corpse of a lost lover.