
Chapter 1:Good to know

I was on my way, I had to run away and my dad threw a plate at my leg. And it's bleeding. I have to let the bombs kill dad. He's horrible.

My uncle ain't far away only 2 miles away in wales. I tried to get the car keys, but obviously my dad grabbed me by the throat. He choked me till I fainted in his hand. I pretended to die.

'Yes the brats gone' he shouted. I got up and ran to the windowsill. I wanted to jump but couldn't because of how tall the house was.

I decided to knock dad out with a coat hanger. I stole his car keys and got in the car. I made a giant puppet so I don't make it convincing. I got inside the puppet.

15 minutes later

I managed to reach wales, my uncle found me in his yard and said 'who are you' he said

My name is Henry I replied

'You should come in it's snowing' my uncle replied

We came in and sat down. Then someone was banging on the window. And my uncle knew a guy who was bad. My uncle aimed a gun at him. He told me to run to the bathroom .

I covered my face but the man tried banging the door open. I hid under the bath not knowing what to do. My uncle saved my life that night. After the man got arrested I reported to the police that my father is crazy. My father was put in jail for 16 decades. I lived with my uncle and he told me stories of him in the war. His name was Andrew Burris

And he had 16 medals. And he was a pilot, I have always wanted to be a pilot.

'Right we best get some work done Henry' uncle Andrew said

I nodded and got a paint brush. I dipped the brown paint brush in the creamy paint.

That night

'How strong are you uncle Andrew?' I questioned

'Well it's positive' he replied. A man knocked on our door, he said him and my poor uncle had to talk. I heard it was his sergeant. And I also found out uncle Andrew is in the army. I came down in my pajamas and asked the man if I could join the cadets. He said it's ok.

October 18th

Today uncle Andrew took me for a walk. I'm an apprentice in the army. I'm 11 years old.

Uncle Andrew bought me the notebook I'm writing in.

'Please call me Andrew' uncle Andrew said

'Ok Andrew what is your illness' Miss collin said

I was confused and worried about his illness.

What an old chappy he is.

He offered me corned beef

'that's what they eat' uncle said

'who' I questioned

'soldiers' uncle replied