
The War God Reincarnation

A player who persevered to reach the middle just to be bought down again, In a world where Vr games ruled the world, God's Fantasy Online Made its way to the world Our MC Mark who died because of an accident saving a girl had been bought back to the past. Clenched your fist and steel your heart, this one will bring you to World of Gods. ================================ Im still thinking on what to put here Check out my other Work Emperor of Arts

LordMark · Derivados de juegos
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60 Chs

The Final Trial Starts Now!

On the God's Trial Mark has now found a hurdle.

Mark was now at the last level of the God's Trial and now he was facing a single man not an shadow, Mark was sweating because in front of him was a god it has the features of an old but not old he was looking mighty with an eye patch on his left eye..

"You have done well young man reaching the last level even though your level 1" the god said "My name is Odin One of the 7 Supreme Gods."

Mark freezed "This Man is Odin one of the supreme gods???".

As their title said Supreme God's the true gods of gods fantasy online for one of them to appear and it was Odin.

Mark immediately kneeled to give respect to Odin, Odin waved his hand and ordered Mark to stand.

"Young for the final trial you were supposed to fight a demi-god but you are weak.

"So i Odin the Creator of this Trial shall give another Trial."

Mark shuddered when he heard the first phrase so if he came here when he was strong he will have to fight a demi-god?, but when he heard the second phrase he relaxed a bit but was still alert.

"Young man as your next trial you will fight a hero"Odin said

Mark was now scared even if it was still not a demi-god, a hero was still a hero and were very powerful, a figure appeared beside Odin

"This is Hero Albert he defeated the demon king a year ago and was now resting peacefully."

Odin saw Mark Feared expression and said "You dont have to worry i made the hero's level the same as yours".

"You may rest tell me if your ready" Odin said and a sit appeared behind him and he sat there waiting for Mark to start the trial.

Mark then sat and rested he closed his eyes, When Odin saw these he was impressed to see Mark adapted fast and calmed himself.

After 20 minutes Mark opened his eyes and got up on his knees"I am now ready" mark said with calm eyes.

Odin and also Hero Albert was taken aback this man before them was so calm this made both of them have goosebumbs how can a weak person make them feel like this.

Now Odin was interested in this young man for a person to attain a calm heart and calm mind they must have been through to many death doors and turned back successfully.

Odin nodded and said "The Final Trial Starts Now!"