
The mysterious boys

We were ready starting to build houses It's because we're already planning to start then I look at the other side like everyone in nia already doing it outside, Then I don't have such so I decided to stroll deep into the forest which was the worst thing ever ,I walked upon 2 boys I had never seen them before he was crispy so I decided to have a talk with them I ask them who are you, the guys grabbed me by the shoulder took me to the kingdom I didn't know they have kingdoms there , they brought me to the king a very young king 15 years He took interest in me I already had a boyfriend so I was resistance though he was a very handsome boy blue eyes brown hair one of his eyes had his hair covering his other eyes so I couldn't see his face properly but not like I wanted to be with him cause then I would be betraying david I told him to let me go he told his men to drop me then I tried to run away but his guard blocked him that bastard he asked were do I stay I told him none of his business he told them to let me go when I thought I was free I wasn't when I got back to the rest I realised they followed me here I knew this trick imidiately, I told everyone wat happened and we were all guard my sister noticed it too and was on guard suddenly we it was night time and we all got to go to sleep