
I got called

The war started a few months ago, my class for school became smaller by the days. I waited till I was called to serve my country. After all my family doesn't care for me, no one does. I'm getting a little a head of myself.

My names Leo Blake. I am 16 and the year is 1942, October 23, that was the day that I was called to serve in world War II.

I went to tell my family but my brother was at the park with his friends. My dad was drunk on the couch and my mom, well she died 3 years ago due to a disease.

Most people dread being called to serve, but I was filled with excitement. I finally get to leave this towntown, leave my family, and serve a greater purpose. I get to see my old class mates for better or worse.

I was scheduled to leave in a week, I groaned as if it couldn't be sooner. The days went by quickly as I got ready to depart.