
I'm Butler

The orange rays of the sun emanate like thin threads that seep and reflect on the horizon. The sun was in its last moments visible, and it is currently about to set.

Among the calm and clear waters, pieces of hardwood dyed with blue and white students float, and on the other hand, shards of glass resulting from broken wine bottles..

The waters and waves of the coast pushed that wreck carefully, until it reached the shore of the tropical island of Crottinghill.

In the midst of the water, a hand came out to the surface and clung to a large piece of wood.

Butler showed his face, took a deep breath, and then started coughing for several seconds, "Damn, it's so salty."

"Huh..Huh..What should I do now?" He took a deep breath and started to exhale some of the salty water that had entered and was about to drown.

He did not know what to do. He breathed quietly for five minutes, then began to look around him left and right while he was in the middle of the sea, not knowing anything. Then suddenly he found what looked like dry land in front of him, extending his sight

" Haha.. It is true that the sea is the assistant of the pirates.. Poseidon. Here I come," he said in an enthusiastic voice, then started heading towards that land.

He arrived on land after swimming for more than twenty minutes, then made his back on the sand and began to catch his breath slowly. Five minutes passed, then he stood up to discover that island and search for some food.

" Ha..ha, these damned trees." He started cutting trees while moving through that forest with his dagger to be able to cross. The forest is full of trees.

cut.. cut

"Finally, there is a natural plant tree." Then he began to cut from that tree, which was a banana tree.

He ate about thirty bananas. "There is no pirate without an empty stomach," he said while patting his stomach after it swelled. "I have to search for a way out of that island. I don't want to live with monkeys."

Then he started to move and he heard some sounds the more he moved..the sounds started to get louder gradually..

Some men are black...

" Are these cannibals? " He said it to himself, but he made a sound because of his approach, and it seemed that he had touched one of the small bushes, which audible sound appeared on his part.

" From here" said the man standing in front of some people who were tied in front of him as if they were hostages or something

"Go see who's there."

His friend replied, "Okay, okay."

That man began to gradually approach him in his clown clothes, which he wore some feathers on his head, as if he were from the inhabitants of the forest.

"More than here," he said in a slightly lower voice, then looked behind the bushes

" I'll catch you." He said as if he was going to catch a notorious criminal. Then he looked behind the bushes and found nothing

" Why are you so late? Did you find anything? said his other friend who was preparing to do something

I quickly hid behind a somewhat thick parsing tree and stopped the breathing sounds..

One of the black men looked towards the place where Butler was hiding, but he did not care, as if he had lost hope in life.

Then several strange men appeared who were leading the black men And they put them in chains

The clothes of these men were very much like Battler's, and they all wielded daggers and swords, and some of them wore eye patches...

One of them stood up, and he had cut off his right hand and put an iron hook in its place. The man grabbed the binoculars and began to look at his surroundings, "Hmmm.. there..."

A large rocky pillar appeared to him. The man smiled and put the binoculars in his pocket. His name was Henry Peterson, and he was the captain of the Red Death Pirates.

Henry looked at the rest of the ship's members and said, "Make sacrifices, we are close."

The pirates vanished from view, while Butler remained behind the palm holding his breath, before saying, "Isn't that Henry Peter? This cunning old man doesn't move unless there's a treasure worth...perhaps I should take a look." "

The aides started dragging the hostages who were shackled one by one

" Ha-ha..beautiful eyes ready to kill." Henry said, showing a simple smile on his face. The assistants started making the hostages sit in front of the pillar as if they were worshiping him or something.

" I hope Poseidon, King of the Seas, will accept the sacrifices we will make for him."

Then he grabbed his primitive dagger and began to slit the neck of one of them, and blood began to splatter in all parts .. The corpse moved as if it were a small chicken that had been slaughtered .. Henry moved away a little so that the blood did not reach his clothes

Blood seeped into the stone floor attached to the strange pillar, and the voids in the pillar began to fill with a faint red light.

"Haha, Chief, you were right! It works!" one of the ship's members shouted, then grabbed his throat as well and slit the throat of a second person.

Butler had followed them, and his face became very black as he looked at that hideous sight, but he quickly got hold of himself and said, "So this is one of Posadion's pillars... Henry Peter was lucky this time, but not for long."

Butler moved a little from one tree to another, slowly and carefully so as not to affect the pirates' attention, while the distance between them was only about ten meters, Balter glimpsed a strange path..

There was silence for a few seconds, if the penguin moved, the pirates would try to check, and they would find Butler

Butler whispered near the penguin.

Meanwhile, Butler felt something cold touch his foot, thinking it was a snake.

" So that's you...the Battler of Nevermort." After Henry Peter looked at Battler, he immediately recognized him ..

" Or or.. Maybe I'm in trouble! Butler tried to run away, but soon a member of the ship stepped forward and tried to grab him by his shirt

Butler was fouled, his sword was too far away so his first thought was to grab a big banana from his pocket and hit his enemy with it.

A look of anger appeared on Henry's face
