
The Wanderer's Journey

In the slums of a magical futuristic world, a dude grows

dKami · Ciencia y ficción
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1 Chs

Chapter 0

The year is 3048 and civilization has advanced so much that anything anybody thinks of can be achieved.

The most prominent advancement was the discovery of magic, this led to people creating all sorts of incredible things. However, it got to the point where people started using this magic for creating weapons, which launched the world into another arms race.

The cost of making magic crystals through is immense manual labor which many countries started to pour all their resources into making more mana crystals, soon they found out that it was too inefficient to use a lot of people and pay them a livable wage. Though everybody was thinking of slavery, they could not use slavery because it was too immoral (though some of the richer companies used it in secret) they made everybody who was in jail to work day and night making mana crystals no matter how bad the crime.

The world is not all doom and gloom though because the improvements in technology have improved day to day life and made it way easier to complete basic tasks. Most cities evolved into a concrete and neon jungle with factory smoke clouding everything.

Way back when in the 2077's some old Chinese practitioners decided to mana infuse their bodies to make it so they could perform better, so then "evolution" or rather people genetically modifying humans began to make babies who had an innate sense of mana within them and became mages or swordsmen to fight other countries. By the year 3000 and something, almost everybody had mana inside them. This led to the downfall of most companies and factories and the richest companies became those who sold their teachings to other people.

By 3010 the world started to look better, there were still concrete and neon jungles but the smoke from the factories was gone but everybody was hell bent on becoming the strongest. The bottom feeders of society had to stay in the slums and the rich got to lay in comfort as they got stronger. By 3020 society became purely strength based, where if you were strong you were at the top and if you were weak you were at the bottom. You could climb and become stronger and make your way up in society. Nothing really changed after that, nobody cared that it was the way it was because it gave opportunity for people and opportunity brings hope.

I should really get into magics shouldn't I, well I'll do that later.I sorta lied, many people could become many different things and rise through society. Such as being a weapon smith and creating weapons. If you created the best weapons people would use it and you could become stronger. The same goes for merchants. Merchants is a broad term, if you ran a restaurant, you were a merchant. However that doesn't mean that it was easy, food wasn't good unless it gave a mana boost or increased your innate mana. You can't sell stuff if you are not strong enough to go get it on your own, and if you are weak as a trading merchant you might get robbed if you are not strong enough to defend yourself.

Then the fun part is the city life, its a shit hole full of people fighting each other over control of the underground world. You control that you have more power than most countries, you would be in control of many different branches of the mafia and anything wouldn't go by you.

Have I mentioned we are in America, guess not. Any slum resident's greatest desire is to have power. They would fight, steal, and kill to get the shred of extra power.

A wanderer like me just roams different cities and different countries and towns just to go places, and they would go around helping people and eating different foods. It was an enjoyable life but the real goal of a wanderer is to become the strongest. It's not like becoming a wanderer is easy, they wanderer guild has a leader and getting in to it hard.

Oh, I forgot to talk about guilds, they are just clans but also made of different people, guilds usually have different clans within them who have their different leaders. The clan leaders meet with each other and the guild leader to discuss stuff, most guilds are against each other, but will come to unite under the mafia's leader. On average there are around 200 people in a guild and 4000 people in a guild. The wanderer guild is quite small with only 2700 people total. This is not because it is unpopular but it is hard to get into it, you either have to be born into it, like me, or be strong enough to get tested by the clan leader. It is probably the 2nd strongest guild, under the demon guild.

About magic, there are an infinite amount of natural alignments which are paths mana lean towards in somebody's body. It totally depends on the person, it is possible to get no alignment, there might be thunder, storm, or lighting. Don't ask me what the difference is, I don't even know.

I also don't know about what happens in the richer part of town, I guess they go to school or something. The only thing the rich and the poor do together is the raiding of dungeons. Which were created by a scientist who pumped so much mana into different parts of the world making these dungeons with monsters in them.

Well, I think I told you bout everything that goes on in this world.


Author bit-

The MC, his name is Lancelot by the way. Has ADD which is attention deficit disorder so his random talking is the cause of this. But really its an excuse for me to talk about things that I forgot to mention.

Thanks for reading!!!