
This is all a little too familiar…..

An: hey guys. Been thinking about this topic for a long time. Recently read some of the current fics in circulation on this site and was inspired. Will have some elements of such stories because there are only so many ideas you can come up with.

Don't expect a super long chapter at the beginning. I'm writing to see the level of interest. Also, I have another fic I'm more focused on right now. An oc Stark living during the Dance of Dragons. Check that out if you wish 🤷

Please enjoy the intro chapter. If it does well I'll continue it.


MC Pov

I slowly come out of sleep. Lastnight was my 18th birthday. My friends and I went down to Cancun for a week to drink legally and celebrate my birthday and our wrestling team having 2 people win state in their weight class. Not to brag, but I was one of those Two.

Anyway, with alcohol comes hangovers. Which is why I'm not too surprised to feel like my head is about to explode.

I keep my eyes closed and call out to my best friend, the other guy who won his state championship, ""Allen, hey man, please for the love of all that's holy go grab some breakfast. Make it light too man. No need to waste good effort making food i'd just toss right back up.""

I wait for a few seconds and don't hear a response. Odd. Allen is usually up and at em no matter how much we drank. He's the one waking me from a drunken stupor to get the day started after we spent the early morning hours of said day drunk as hell.

I finally peel my eyes open like rusted windows, with sleep crust in the corners of my eye.

I quickly get that shit out and let my eyes adjust to the light in the room only to see I'm nowhere near where I thought I was.

Instead of a tropical view/smells that accompany Cancun I'm met with a teenagers bedroom. Furthermore, a teenagers bedroom I don't recognize.

My mind works in overdrive as i spring up from the bed, only to catch myself as I immediately get dizzy.

I take a few deep breaths and make my way toward a bathroom that I correctly assumed was the bathroom. I look In the mirror above the sink and see not my face above my neck.

I begin hyperventilating. This isn't normal. To wake up with someone else's face on your own.

I rush to the shower to try to wash off whatever fog this is around me that has me in this unrecognizable room with a face I've never seen.

I turn the water to as hot began to flow over my shoulders and down my back. I took some more deep breaths and tried to remember. But I couldn't. I did the normal shower things. Washed my hair and body before coming out of the shower and grabbing a towel.

I throw it around my waist and make my way toward a computer in the room. It looks like one from my childhood in the early 2000s. After waiting what seemed like an eternity for the thing to boot up and load I began to check the internet for relevant information.

After a quick search I found the craziest thing I've seen so far since I've woken up. Which is saying something because I don't recognize my face.

On the screen is the date, August 27, 2010.

"How the fuck did I time travel?" I whisper to myself in the void of my room. I try to check for anything relative and familiar.

Search after search gives me nothing from my world. No movies, actors, hell I don't even recognize the presidents.

I go to other world news stations and find an interesting video. One that terrifies me.

On it you see a man leaned over another man in the street. A little weird but hey, I'm open minded right? However, things take a turn for the worst when the guy looks up at said camera and there's blood and human meat on his teeth/face.

I began looking for more related content and find hundreads of reports across the world of 'people eating other people'.

'Zombies' is the thought that immediately comes to mind. One of the most well known and beloved horror movie creatures. Right up there with vampires and werewolf's. Shows like the walking dead and it's spin-offs are proof enough of that.

Then it hits me. Walking Dead. 2010. Zombies eating people being called a flu.


Is all I can say as it dons on me where exactly I am.


An: quick little chapter. Let's see how it does.

Give me some suggestions for things I'm the story. Do we want the zombies to evolve like other franchises? How about pairing? As Long as both people are 18 idc if you put Hershel with the sexy little Latina that rolls with Eugene. Rosa maybe?