
The VoidWalker

In a world where hunters dedicate their lives to eliminating supernatural creatures, our protagonist is eager to join their esteemed ranks. Ray Obsidian is determined to defy the odds and strive for greatness. Follow his relentless pursuit as he navigates a world where strength and purpose intertwine. For early release chapters, go to my Patreon: patreon.com/RuyaDuppy

Ruya_Duppy · Acción
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48 Chs

Chapter 14

"Okay Ray, that was an excellent show of skill. We will get healers to fix you up before we move onto the next set of exams." The doctor explains as a team of healers come in and begin to heal Ray as the Centaur disintegrates.

Ray relaxes feeling the healing rays repairing his body.

"Okay, I'm going to load in the next test" Dr Francis explained.

"I'm ready, let's do this!" Ray says.

"Excellent! In these levels, you'll be facing creatures known for their elusive movements and lightning-fast speed. Your reflexes and quick thinking will be crucial. Show us what you're capable of!"

Ray solemnly nodded.

Ray stood poised next to a sprite that awaited to race him. The creature zipped across the arena with lightning speed, leaving a trail of motion blur in its wake.

As the signal sounded, Ray sprang into action, his reflexes sharp and his movements fluid. With effortless grace, he navigated through a simple course, manoeuvring around a few strategically placed hurdles and weaving through a couple of tight spaces.

The sprite darted ahead, its quick movements challenging Ray to keep up. But with nimble footwork and precise timing, he effortlessly matched its pace, anticipating its every shift and turn.

In mere seconds, he reached the finish line, a triumphant smile crossing his face. The crowd erupted in applause, impressed by Ray's agility and speed.

"Well done I'm already loading the next challenge" the doctor said "Get ready, your next foe will be even faster than before."

The next stage presented Ray with a swifter adversary, a harpy. It darted across the testing ground, leaving a trail of blurred feathers in its wake. Ray's reflexes were put to the test as he sprinted against the clock. He swiftly travelled through a series of obstacles, leaping over hurdles and swiftly ducking under low-hanging branches, showcasing his agility.

With the countdown ticking, Ray sprang into action. His muscles tensed, ready to propel him forward at a moment's notice. He focused on the path ahead, scanning for the best route to navigate the maze of obstacles.

As the harpy soared overhead, Ray anticipated its movements, adjusting his speed and trajectory accordingly. He effortlessly leaped over wide gaps and sidestepped sudden obstacles, his movements fluid and efficient.

The harpy's wings beat furiously, but Ray's nimble footwork allowed him to keep pace. He made split-second decisions, trusting his instincts to guide him through the winding course.

In a burst of speed, Ray approached the final stretch. With determination etched on his face, he sprinted towards the finish line, ignoring the fatigue that threatened to slow him down.

As he crossed the finish line, the spectators erupted in applause, acknowledging his impressive display of agility.

"This will be your final test before we go to the endurance exam" the doctor states.

Ray nods as he feels adrenaline flood his body.

The werewolf's blurred form streaked through the air, leaving a trail of sheer velocity in its wake. Ray's heart raced as he prepared to engage in a battle against time itself. Every fibre of his being focused on the daunting obstacle course that lay ahead.

The course was a treacherous labyrinth, designed to test the limits of human speed and agility. High-speed projectiles zipped through the air like streaks of lightning, their trajectories changing in an instant. Ray's reflexes had to be razor-sharp as he weaved and ducked, narrowly avoiding disaster with each split-second decision.

The terrain beneath his feet shifted unpredictably, alternating between slick surfaces and crumbling platforms. Ray's feet barely had time to find solid ground before he had to launch himself into the next leap, his every movement a calculated gamble. His muscles strained and burned with exertion, but he pushed through the pain, knowing that a single misstep could cost him the victory.

The werewolf's speed was awe-inspiring, its blurred form a constant reminder of the daunting challenge that lay ahead. It darted effortlessly through the obstacles, always staying one step ahead of Ray's desperate pursuit. Each time he closed in, the werewolf would unleash a burst of acceleration, leaving Ray trailing behind, his lungs gasping for air.

Sweat trickled down Ray's brow as he pushed his body to its limits. His senses heightened; time seemed to slow down around him. He had to anticipate the werewolf's next move, react with lightning speed, and make split-second decisions. His entire focus narrowed down to the immediate challenge in front of him.

The crowd's cheers melded into a distant roar as Ray's mind and body merged into a singular force of determination. He pushed himself harder, his legs pumping with the last reserves of energy, his muscles screaming in protest. He knew that he couldn't afford a single misjudgement or lapse in concentration.

With a final surge of adrenaline, Ray raced towards the finish line. The crowd held their breath, their anticipation palpable. Time seemed to hang suspended as he propelled himself forward, the distance between him and victory narrowing with every stride. The obstacles blurred into a chaotic frenzy, but Ray's focus was unyielding.

In a climactic burst of effort, Ray crossed the finish line, collapsing to the ground in exhaustion. The crowd erupted into thunderous applause, recognizing his incredible feat of perseverance and skill. He had triumphed over the werewolf, but the toll on his body was evident.

"Amazing, the healers will come in soon before we move to the next set of exams" the doctor explains as shortly after the healers quickly enter and begin to heal Ray.