
500 years in the Void

"Hello? Is anyone there?"

Shen Long spoke and his shout echoed throughout the entire space. Shen Long woke up and his eye was hurting really badly.

Shen Long was an orphan that was picked up by an old lady in a small village in China. But when the Earth witnessed the shockwave event and the strange creatures invaded his town was one of the first attacked and he was the only survivor.

He found a refugee camp after days of walking and was able to survive until a disembodied voice sounded around the earth "Hello Humans, I am what you call God and I will give the Heaven's Will and allow you to train for 500 years on my world and you will then come back to earth and have the ability to defend what is your."

Everyone disappeared from the face of the earth and appeard on "gods" planet, but Shen Long had a different destination than everyone else, he appeared in empty darkness by himself with only a couple of sentences that would help attempt to allow him to understand "Shen Long, you have been selected to be the Void's Will, you will gain 3 techniques and a Void Elemental Body. The techniques are called the Divine Void Origin Technique, Divine Void Soul Technique, Void Elemental Control Scripture. The Void Elemental Body will give your right eye the ability to control soul element, the left eye to control the spatial element, and in thr chest you will have the 5 Void Elemental Core of fire, water, earth, wind, and lightning."

He then saw a multi colored orb fly into his body and he passed out. Shen Long had a massive headache when he woke up but no matter how long he waited nothing happened. He didn't know that his hair turned to white and his eyes were silver.

For the next 500 years Shen Long practiced the 3 scriptures, the Divine Void Origin Technique allows Shen Long to absorb the origin and simce his body is a void body he is constantly taking in energy and all he hs to do is absorb it. The Divine Void Soul Technique strengthens Shen Long's soul and make it more powerful. The final technique the Void Elemental Control Scripture helps Shen Long control his Eye Elements and the 5 Void Elemental Core.

Shen Long dosen't get any gains from using the Divine Void Origin Technique because there is no origin in this empty space so he only used the Divine Void Soul Technique and Void Elemental Control Scripture.

500 Years Later a voice broke his silent solitude "Human you have done well staying here alone and your soul power has almost reached a gods level. A void is usually lonely and hidden but its power is immense. That is why I picked you to be my Void's Will. All the other humans have gone into a contract with that "god"... you will find that out for yourself. Now go back to earth and be the void that secretly swallows the enemies."

On Earth a giant light shines on the earth, the planet now has mana due to thr "god's" blessing. On the other planet for 500 years the humans were making their bodies accustomed to mana and learning if they are melee oriented or spellcasting oriented. Due to some restrictions humans couldn't absorb the mana on the other planet but take it from thr atmospherr and use it briefly.

Thr 500 years ended and everyone teleported back to their original location from 500 years ago. Shen Long who hasn't seeing a living being for the last 500 years started tearing up a little but quickly wiped it off and walked back to the refugee camp.