
The Vita Arcanum: Short Stories Of Reality And Wonder

Life is a cascade of stories, some so simple they speak and relate to you, and other so wondrous they can only be birthed from the minds of the most daring. This is a yearning for adventure and a pinning for love, a taste of revenge and the consequences it sows. Fantasy, reality, love, hatred, all of this and so much more I would show, as we explore the pages of the Vita Arcanum.

Mother_of_Lions · Ciudad
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8 Chs

The Promise VII

Leo: "You think I will just follow you to America and leave my mom behind? she has been here for me, it was never you. You ran away, not her, she also supported my education and fed me, I know she's not perfect and she'll definitely get what's coming to her because of her lies and betrayal, but at least she's no coward. And neither am I. am never going anywhere with you."

Alex: "But you have no choice, you just have to come with me because it's my blood that flows through your veins."

Leo: "Is that what is giving you the audacity to take the only thing that matters to her. because she has no husband or family? but you don't care do you? You think because the blood of backstabbing liar and cheat is in me, that it makes me your son? Listen closely while I repeat this again; I am not your son and I will never be."

Alex: "I am going to give you a better life in the United States and you can live happily with me and your stepmother. that's all I need from you, to give you happiness please my son."

Leo: "Then what about my mom? what about my best friends and Anna, it's all about you and your wife, not anything of mine. I'm not saying anything again till we meet in court."

Alex: "What! Court."

Leo: "Why are you surprise you just told my mother that you are taking her to court so I'm coming with her to disgrace you."

Alex: "Please don't do this, I need you by my side or else I will die."

Leo: "Hahahaha you are very funny young man do you think you pleading will change my mind, no it won't, I'm ready to fight you and wait a second you said you will die if am not with you, are you mad? Let me ask you, have I ever been there? but you are happy and living your life peacefully."

Alex: "I wasn't living my life peacefully! my wife could not have a child of her own and I love her so much and couldn't let her continue suffering like that, so I told her about your mom and we both agreed to bring you to stay with us."

Leo: "So I won't have been a choice if she had children for you, I'm so pathetic."

Alex: "You would have still been a choice because you are my first born and only child."

Leo: "Get out before I hate you even more you just ruined my weekend."

Alex: "I'm very sorry but I'm still going to come back till you accept me, and Lana. I'm very sorry for everything I said to you earlier I'll take my leave now."

Lana: "Yes leave and never return I regret making such a mistake with someone like you, infact you don't deserve to be called a human being."

Leo: "Why are you still standing here, I thought you just said you were going to leave. and please never ever return to this place again."

(Door closed)

Leo: "My friends are suppose to be here by now but why aren't they here yet."

Lana: "Leo we need to talk about what just happened now."

Leo: "I have nothing to say to you, this is what you chose so what do you expect me to say."

Lana: "I'm very sorry, I never meant for things to happen this way at all. it's all my fault and that's why am regretting what I did."

Leo: "There's nothing to be done anymore, what has happened has happened it's just to move on with life."

Lana: "So are you trying to say that we are cool?"

Leo: "I never said so".

Lana: "okay I understand".

Leo: "My friends are supposed to be here an hour ago".

Lana: "I have to go to the market immediately to buy something to cook for dinner later".

Leo: "sure go ahead, do I look like I care!"

Lana: "come on boy not again! not now please I want to prepare your favorite and I know you will like it, I'm pretty sure".

Leo: "Hmmm.... What ever".

Lana: "I love you leo and make sure you look after the house till I get back".

Leo: "But I have somewhere to go to".

Lana: "To where exactly if I may ask?"

Leo: "It's none of your business".

Lana: "Look I know you are very angry but can you be a little understanding and well behaved. Also the last time I checked I'm your mother, not a friend and seeing you talking to me like this hurts. It's really rude of you, and because of which; you owe me an apology as well".

Leo: "That's something you will never get, an apology from me! Are you serious right now after everything you have done you still need me to apologise".

Lana: "I was just saying that I need a little bit of respect from you and if we keep doing this we're not going anywhere at all".

Leo: "How can you cheat on your husband just because he cheated on you first. Infact what sort of an excuse is that and now you want respect from me, you even kept the truth from me".

Lana: "I know that I'm the worst mother ever but please understand me and reason with me".

Leo: "But why do women always do this? Why do they make men pay for their own sins. Men are not perfect neither are women too. Is it not wrong to hurt people just because they hurt us, why can't we be different when people wrong us?"

Lana: "Please Leo don't think that way because it's not true".

Leo: "What's not true? The fact that the person I cherish and love is not my father! Or the fact that everything is now happening because of the choice you made".

Lana: "I'm sorry".

Leo: "There's nothing your sorry can do now and you can't take everything back to normal anymore, I'm hurt I'm really hurt, I don't know how long it will take till I will ever feel better again".

Lana: "I will never stop asking for your forgiveness Leo".

Leo: "I have forgiven you already and I think I should just get some rest and take a nap till you get back from the market I have headache".

Lana: "Oh my God... Should I get you drugs".

Leo: "No just go I need to be alone for now and I will take care of my humble self since my friends aren't coming anymore".

Lana: "Alright I'm leaving already and I won't take long I love you bye".

(Few minutes later)

Michael: "Leo are you in there?"

Kelvin: "Michael I think Leo is not home and if you keep knocking like this you might break the door."

Michael: "Well that's true I should stop before I spoil the door. I just hope Leo is fine so we should go back home."

Kelvin: "Don't worry we will meet in school with Leo to know how far okay!"

(Door opened)

Leo: "Why are you guys lamenting all by your selves?"

Kelvin: "Are you kidding me, you were inside and you left us here standing approximately 15 minutes who does that."

Leo: "Are you kidding! Me of course."

Michael: "Am in already so when you guys are done you can both come in to talk."

Kelvin: "But Leo we have been knocking at the door, what took you soo long to come out."

Leo: "Look I'm very sorry I actually heard the knock but I wanted to be sure if it was here and apart from that I'm having a terrible headache."

Kelvin: "So that's it?"

Michael: "Kelvin not now please because you want to pick a fight with Leo and he doesn't need it now."

Kelvin: "Oh really so what about me did anybody care how I feel, for God sake we have been so worried about him and we came all the way here knocking for 15 minutes and no body saw anything's wrong with that and what you can say Michael is that I'm looking for a fight. well thank you very much."

Leo: "But I said I'm sorry Kelvin try and understand me."

Michael: "And I never meant it that way I'm also not happy that Leo left us outside knocking but I also know what he's going through and I try not to get mad but understand."

Leo: "Soo please best friend I'm sorry and try to understand me Kelvin!"

Kelvin: "Alright fine am sorry too, you know I can also be dramatic at times."

Leo: "So now it's my turn, why are you guys only coming now? and did the both of you check the time? I thought I told the both of you to come by 1 this afternoon. but look when you guys are coming and you expect me not to get upset."

Michael: "Like seriously so what do you want now an apology right! Well we are very sorry but we don't owe you an apology at all."

Leo: "Hahahaha but Michael you just said sorry to me."

Michael: "What! When did I do that."

Leo: "Just now dumb ass."

Kelvin: "Hahahaha you guys are funny and am happy Leo is smiling too."

Leo: "What! I'm not smiling I'm just faking it that's all."

Michael: "So dude what's up tell us how far things are going."

Kelvin: "And there's something Michael is not telling you."

Leo: "What is that?"

Kelvin: "We came by 1pm as agreed but we couldn't knock Because we both over heard you ,your mom and someone else talking so we have to go back and return later so as not to interrupt you guys.'

Leo: "Really guys wow I'm so surprise though".

Michael: "But where is your mom?"

Leo: "She's dead to me".