
The Violinist.

Elara adored her father, a talented and loving violinist who led his own orchestra. He nurtured her passion for music from a young age, teaching her to play the violin and sharing his love for the instrument. On her sixth birthday, he gifted her a violin, creating cherished memories of their duets. Tragedy struck when Elara's father died in a car accident while returning from a wedding performance. This loss devastated Elara, leaving her with only the violin to remember him by. Her mother, struggling with her own grief, remarried a kind man six months later, but Elara felt the void left by her father's absence. In an effort to move on, the family relocated to a new town. Elara found it hard to fit in at her new school, carrying her violin everywhere as a comforting link to her father. However, her classmates mocked her, calling her hurtful names, and bullies eventually destroyed her beloved violin. Heartbroken, she vowed never to play again. Years later, Elara earned a scholarship to high school, determined to make a fresh start. There, she encountered Carter, a captivating violinist whose music reignited her buried passion. Despite her initial resentment towards him, their shared love for the violin drew them together. Carter's persistent encouragement helped Elara overcome her fears and resume playing. Their bond grew stronger as they spent more time together, both in and out of school. Despite facing jealousy and challenges from other students, they joined the school orchestra and excelled. Their talent earned them a spot in a national high school orchestra competition. Elara and Carter's performances captivated audiences and judges alike, leading their school to victory. On the championship stage, Carter confessed his love for Elara, sealing their relationship with a kiss. Through their journey, Elara rediscovered her love for music, healed from her past, and found a new beginning with Carter by her side.

Adams_SDA · Adolescente
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3 Chs

New School

(New School)

Elara stood before the building, watching as students streamed inside, their laughter and chatter filling the air. She clutched her violin case tightly, her eyes closing as she recalled a memory. She remembered how her father used to prepare her for school and how they will duet a little bit before she leave for school

The sun was just rising, casting a warm glow over the kitchen as Elara's father prepared breakfast. The smell of pancakes filled the air, and Elara could hear the soft hum of her father's favorite violin piece playing in the background. She watched him with admiration, his movements graceful and practiced. He looked over at her and smiled, a twinkle in his eye.

"Ready for school, my little virtuoso?" he asked, ruffling her hair playfully.

Elara giggled. "Yes, Daddy. Can we practice together before I go?"

Her father nodded. "Of course, sweetheart. Let's make some beautiful music."

They moved to the living room where their instruments awaited. Her father helped her position the violin under her chin, his hands gentle and steady. She felt his warmth and encouragement, the connection between them growing stronger with each note they played. They practiced a simple duet, their melodies intertwining perfectly. The music filled the room, creating a moment of pure harmony.

After they finished, her father knelt down to her level. "Remember, Elara, music is a gift. It's something you and I share, and it will always be with you, no matter what."

Elara nodded, hugging him tightly. "I love you, Daddy."

"I love you too, Elara. Now, let's get you to school."

They walked hand in hand to the school building, her father's presence a comforting constant. He would always wave her goodbye at the entrance, his smile reassuring her as she stepped into the world.

Now, all she had was the violin, a fragile link to those cherished moments. She took a deep breath and stepped forward, determined to face the day despite the ache in her heart.

Inside, the school buzzed with activity. Students hurried to their classes, while others loitered in groups, engaging in various mischievous acts. Elara wondered if she would ever fit in here. She pulled a note from her bag that read, "Locker 23B," and made her way through the maze of hallways, searching for her locker.

Navigating the crowded hallways, she finally found her locker and carefully placed her violin inside. As she closed the locker door, a group of students approached her, eyeing the violin case with curiosity.

"Hey, new girl," one of them said. "What's with the violin? Are you some kind of music prodigy or something?"

Elara flushed, unsure how to respond. It's not everyday one gets compliments like this. "I just...like to play."

The students snickered, and one of them mimicked playing a violin. "Better watch out, or we'll start calling you 'Violin Girl'."

Elara bit her lip, feeling the sting of their words. She turned away and hurried to her first class, hoping the day would get better.

The day didn't go as well as she had imagined. Even after the first three periods, she struggled to find her place. During a break, she checked her timetable and felt a glimmer of hope when she saw that she had Music next. She made her way to the music classroom with her violin, eager for a sense of familiarity.

When she arrived, she found the room filled with tables and chairs stacked on top of each other, more like a storage room than a place for making music. A woman entered the room, noticing Elara's confusion.

"Can I help you?" the woman asked kindly.

"I'm here for Music class," Elara replied, holding up her timetable.

The woman sighed. "I'm afraid Music has been removed from the curriculum. The students showed no interest, and most of the instruments have been destroyed by bullies. It was too much to maintain."

Elara's heart sank. She had hoped music would be her refuge. Seeing the disappointment on her face, the woman softened.

"What's your name, dear?" she asked.

"Elara," she replied quietly.

"Elara, I can see the passion for music in your eyes. How well do you play the violin?" the woman inquired, her curiosity piqued.

Elara's face lit up. "I've been playing since I was little. My dad taught me. I can play a lot of different pieces, and I love it."

The woman smiled, impressed. "It sounds like you had a wonderful teacher. I'm Miss Helen, by the way. I'm a pianist, and I believe that the violin and piano together create beautiful music. I'd love to hear you play sometime."

Elara felt a glimmer of hope. "I'd love that, Miss Helen."

Miss Helen's eyes twinkled. "How about now? I'd love to hear what you can do."

Elara nodded eagerly. She took out her violin and positioned it under her chin, recalling her father's lessons and the way his hands had guided hers.

She was lost in another memory of her father showing her how to hold the bow just right, his voice gentle but firm.

"You need to let the music flow through you, Elara. Feel it in your heart and let it guide your hands."

She remembered the warmth of his presence, the way his fingers adjusted hers on the strings, the sound of their laughter mingling with the notes they played together.

Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and began to play, letting the music flow through her. She chose a piece that her father had taught her, a sweet and melancholic melody that resonated deeply with her memories.

As she played, the room seemed to fade away, and all that remained was the music and the image of her father. She poured her heart into every note, the bow gliding smoothly across the strings. The sound was rich and emotive, filling the empty room with a hauntingly beautiful tune.

Miss Helen watched in awe, her mouth slightly open as Elara played with a skill and passion far beyond her years. When Elara finally finished, she opened her eyes to see Miss Helen clapping, her face lit up with admiration.

"That was exceptional, Elara. Your father must have been an amazing teacher, and you...you are truly talented," Miss Helen said, her voice filled with genuine praise.

Elara smiled, feeling a warmth she hadn't felt in a long time. "Thank you. My dad was great."

Miss Helen sat down at the piano. "Why don't we play something together? I think we can make some wonderful music."

For the next few minutes, they played together, the piano and violin blending harmoniously. Elara felt a surge of joy, the kind she used to feel when playing with her father. The music filled the room, and for a brief moment, she forgot all her worries.

But time wasn't on their side. The bell rang for lunch, and they had to stop.

"You have to go for lunch"

"Yeah. Thanks Miss Helen"

"Don't forget Elara, I will always be here when you need to play"

At lunch, Elara found a quiet corner in the cafeteria and ate alone, avoiding the stares of her classmates. Just as she thought she might get through the day without further incident, the boy earlier from today found his way to her table with his boys with their lunch, but Elara tuned their presences out, holding onto the memory of her time with Miss Helen.

Though the morning had its challenges, Elara felt a small sense of accomplishment. She had made a friend in Miss Helen, and she had played her violin again. It wasn't much, but it was a start.

The Violinist


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