
Chapter 58- Looking Into The Undercity

The knock on the door during dinner completely changed the group's plans for the night. They were no longer hungry or tired, and having just eaten they had a burst of energy— because of this they wanted to do something.

Now, as the cool night air brushed against Seraphina's face, she led Edwin and Samuel through the twisting, shadowed paths of Vesta, having left the inn to explore further.

Seraphina had convinced them of the importance of investigating the undercity, insisting it was an opportunity to gather crucial information that could be of use to them— and what better time to do so than during the night.

The most reluctant to agree to her idea was Edwin, he believed it was dangerous and he didn't want her to come to any harm, Samuel, on the other hand, was excited about the adventure, and eventually, she convinced them to join her.

The further they ventured, the darker and more filthy the surroundings became; the cobblestones grew uneven, littered with garbage and reeking of blood and rot.

The lively hum of the city faded into a silence only filled with the whispers of secrets and the occasional banging or fighting happening in the surrounding darkness.

Seraphina's violet eyes scanned the dimly lit alleys, as they moved through them.

They passed crumbling buildings made of scrap wood and rusted metal, their walls barely holding together. Women clutching skeletal children to their chests crouched in corners, their gazes wary and defeated— it was clear they had been starved, some of them didn't even look to be alive.

The stench of rot and unwashed bodies filled the air, mingling with the faint cries of infants and the occasional shout of an argument— Seraphina had to cover her face to dampen the stench.

"This is worse than I imagined."

Samuel muttered under his breath, his usual lighthearted demeanor replaced by a grim expression.

"It's misery."

Edwin replied tersely, his silver eyes scanning their surroundings for any sign of danger. His hand never strayed far from the hilt of his sword.

Seraphina didn't speak, though her jaw tightened as they passed an alleyway where several lifeless bodies lay in a heap— no one even cared to bury them or give them a proper resting place. Flies buzzed around them, and the stench was overwhelming.

Her stomach churned, but she forced herself to move forward. This was no time for weakness, nor could she afford to stop. The undercity was worse than she had anticipated, but it was also the perfect breeding ground for information— and potential allies or threats.

As they delved deeper, they used the information they could overhear from snippets, as well as offering some food in exchange for a chat, to piece together the hierarchy of the undercity.

After some time, they came up with a pretty clear picture of what was happening. At the top was the mysterious figure known only as the "Boss."

The name carried weight in every whispered conversation, spoken with equal parts fear and respect, they were some sort of leader that managed to unify the various gangs and factions, ruling the undercity with absolute control.

But very few knew who they were, or what they looked like.

"They say the Boss has knights under their command." 

One man whispered to another as they passed.

"Real ones. Not just those apprentices."

"Knights, eh?"

His companion replied, his voice low,

"Wouldn't be surprised. I heard there's a noble backing them. Someone big."

Seraphina took note of the information, both of the knights and the possible connections to a noble; if it was true, then it meant that they were a figure with significant power.

Such a connection could explain the structure and discipline she had observed among the thugs patrolling the area, as well as the rapid growth in power given the timeframe.

The trio moved cautiously, avoiding direct contact with anyone, but this was the underbelly of the city, a place where crime was rampant and living was a wish.

At one point, a wiry man with a knife tried to ambush them from a side alley, but Edwin disarmed him with a single fluid motion, just a thug trying to get money to live.

Seraphina pressed her blade lightly to the man's throat, her voice cold and commanding as she spoke— to scare the man.

"Tell me about the Boss."

The man's eyes darted wildly between the three of them, fear filled his bony frame as he began to panic.

"I don't know much!"

He stammered out in an attempt to get her to calm down.

"Try again."

"No one does! We just follow orders. Word is... they've got a noble in their pocket. Some big shot outside the city, but that's just talk."

"And the knights?"

Seraphina pressed and the man hesitated before nodding.

"Yeah, yeah. Knights. Apprentice ones, mostly. But there are rumors... real knights, too. No one knows for sure though... they don't act often. That's all I know, I swear!"

"What else, what other factions are there? Anything of note?"

"Wh-what do you mean?"

The man was panicking, it was clear he wasn't thinking straight, but that worked out for Seraphina because it made him more likely to blurt out things.

"What other factions work down here, people of note, anything."

"They're the druggies? I... don't know if that's what you're referring to. It's a group that mainly deals in drugs, both in and out of the city. They aren't that big but they pay tribute to the Boss so they can stay around."

Seraphina took note of that, it seemed like this 'Boss' wasn't the only one that operated in the undercity. It made sense; crime was big business, and many were involved.

"Keep talking."

"There's also the brothel, everyone knows about the brothel. Even the boss's right hand is said to go there often— you can try anything you want there."

"I'm not looking for an advertisement, I want information."

"I-I'm just saying that even people from outside the undercity visit it to explore the pleasures of it. You could probably find information there!"

Seraphina withdrew her blade, and the man scrambled away into the darkness, she allowed him to leave, because killing him was pointless.

Turning to Edwin and Samuel, she whispered.

"The Boss is more dangerous than we thought."

"Dangerous and connected."

Edwin agreed.

"We've seen enough. Let's get out of here."

Just as they began retracing their steps, a shout echoed down the alley behind them.

"You there! Stop!"

Seraphina's heart sank as she turned to see a group of city knights approaching, their polished armor glinting faintly in the dim light.

They were probably investigating the recent warehouse explosion and had found the trio suspicious.

"Hands where we can see them!"

One of the knights barked, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword.

"What's your business here?"

Seraphina exchanged a quick glance with Edwin and Samuel, if they were taken in for questioning, her identity could be exposed, and they would be found.

"Stay calm."

Edwin murmured, stepping slightly in front of Seraphina.

The knights advanced cautiously, their eyes scanning the trio— when one of them reached for Seraphina's hood, she acted.

In a blur of movement, she sidestepped, drawing her blade and using the end of it to slam into the man's chest.

There was no fight, it was three people against four apprentice knights on patrol— dealing with them was quick and easy.

Edwin disarmed the nearest knight, sending the man's sword clattering to the ground, and with a stomp to the man's head— he knocked him out.

Samuel ducked under a wild swing, his blade striking the back of another knight's knee to incapacitate him.

Within moments, all four knights lay unconscious, their weapons scattered around them— but they were not killed.

"We need to move."

Edwin said sharply, wiping his blade clean on his cloak.

Seraphina crouched beside one of the fallen men, checking his pulse, satisfied that he was alive, she nodded.

"Let's go."

They slipped away into the shadows, retracing their steps through the labyrinthine streets until they emerged back into the relative safety of the main district.

By the time they returned to The Amber Hearth, exhaustion weighed heavily on them. The innkeeper gave them a curious glance as they entered, but Seraphina ignored it, climbing the stairs to their room without a word.

Once inside, she collapsed onto her bed, and shortly after she simply fell asleep.