
The Violet Hand of Death

The banished princess, thought to be dead, is on the search for the blade that once cursed her-The Violet Hand of Death. Meanwhile, a robed figure in a mask silently follows...

Sen_Harada · Fantasía
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8 Chs


The three rushed further down the path in the direction of the scream, though Jun An lagged behind. He clung to his clay pot, part of the roll he'd been given hanging out of his mouth.

There was a wider part of the path they came to, which was cleared and much tidier than the rest. To the side of the path stood a single tree, not very tall and with winding roots. And in that tree, or hanging out of it, rather, was a young girl.

Rei Li helped her down from the tree, Amethyst assisting. The young girl, dressed in a pale yellow robe with a white sash, looked to be about thirteen. Tears streaked her tanned face, her body shaking like a fallen leaf.

"Young miss, are you okay? Did you fall from the tree?" Rei Li asked, helping her steady her feet.

She adjusted her robe, then wiped her eyes. She sniffled quietly, coughing a bit awkwardly.

"I… my parents are waiting for me in Mono Valley."

Amethyst eyed the girl, assessing her and the situation. It was obvious she was human, and living, but there was something familiar about her.

Why is a young girl travelling the mountain path alone? And why was she in the tree?

Her clothes as well...is she going to a funeral?

Amethyst hadn't been to many proper funerals, but the pale yellow color of robes lining the palace halls was a sight she'd never forget. Losing a parent was unbearable, and if that is indeed what she meant, Amethyst couldn't press further.

Rei Li, however, had a few questions.

"What were you doing in the tree?"

The girl raised her long sleeves, patting tears from beneath her eyes. She gave a small smile.

"My family isn't well-liked in Rea, so the townspeople chased me out. I slept in the tree, after tying myself to it. When I woke up, the sash had come loose and I started to fall.

Thankfully, you'd come to help me. Thank you." She bowed.

Rei Li bowed back in respect. He had more questions, specifically about her clothes and what exactly she meant by her parents waiting for her. He faced Amethyst, asking with his eyes if he should question her.

Amethyst smiled, turning her gaze down to the girl.

"We'll be passing through Mono Valley. Would you like to tag along?"

The girl's eyes brightened immediately, nodding enthusiastically. Rei Li gestured for her to follow, and the three began to walk ahead. After a few short minutes, Rei Li said,

"My name is Rei Li, and this is my friend Amethyst. What should we call you?"

She smiled up at him, who was not too much taller than her. The soft patter of footsteps grew lighter, and she twirled a loose strand of hair.

"My name is Yama. Thank you for taking me with you. I've been a few times but I'm always scared to get lost."

Amethyst nodded, Rei copying her. Yama retreated into a bit of a shell as they walked.

She trusted us so easily, and even gave us her name. She could just be naive, I suppose.

But Yama is such an odd name…

"Yama, that's such a beautiful name. Where does it come from?" She asked.

Yama continued to play with the loose, black hair as if to calm her nerves. She said,

"It's my mother's name, Yama An. She passed it down to me."

Amethyst felt a weird chill down her spine. She spun her head around, looking for a trace of the fallen god and his clay pot.

It wasn't that she hadn't noticed Jun An had left, but more so that she wasn't interested in where he'd gone. But as soon as they'd come to the girl in the tree, he'd disappeared again. And this girl which shared his name… it was all a bit too peculiar.

For both Rei Li and Amethyst, they'd never set foot in the An kingdom, so they weren't sure if the name was common or not. But it seemed odd that she'd share a name with a ruler from a Nara standpoint.

In Nara, the only ones called Nara were the emperor and his descendents. Could a monarch really share a name with a commoner?

Regardless, Jun An had been part of the royal family of An before ascending to godhood at nineteen. He was An royalty, and the way he seemed to evaporate upon seeing the girl...it was likely he recognized her.

Maybe she isn't human? Did I misjudge her? Why would anyone from the An kingdom have come to Nara? Since the war…

But the more Amethyst thought, she'd figured that her mother and father had come to Nara before the war became bloody. Thirteen years ago had marked the start of the feud, and Yama looked to be exactly that.

Shaking off the uncomfortable feeling, she continued to lead the two down the path. Rei Li and Yama made meaningless conversation, while Amethyst listened for anything that stood out.

After several hours of nothing of intrigue, they finally saw the mouth of Mono Valley. The sun was still high in the sky, hot but not unmanageable.

The path opened up into the mouth of the valley, widening until it joined together. The end of the dirt path was dotted with blades of grass, which opened up to a beautiful field of white clovers.

Just past the field was a long, flowing river of clear, pristine water. It stretched out as far as the eye could see, sun rays plunging into the depths, reflecting whoever passed by.

Across the water was a sturdy wooden bridge, polished to a shine. It was carefully crafted, and several protection sigils had been engraved in the sides. They were so beautifully made that if one was ignorant to the sigils, they'd just think it was a well-carved design.

Past the bridge was the bustling Mono Valley, a merchant and fishing town, known for its cuisine and beauty. While they'd all been here on separate occasions, the breathtaking splendor still overwhelmed their senses.

The three walked through the field, wind rippling through the flowers and making them dance at their feet. All seemed to be well until they crossed the bridge. Well, Rei Li and Amethyst did. But when Yama tried, she was immediately flung back a few feet.

The sigils to protect the town from ghosts…

Yama is indeed not a human.