A man born in Viltrum manifests unusual powers. Growing up with teachings of viltrumites, he believes his cause is just. He begins to question their philosophy after spending time on Earth.
"I heard you're going on a college trip with Mark."
"...Word travels fast."
"My son isn't good at keeping things to himself sometimes."
In the high rise apartment Taz could be seen packing his bags. An assortment of cooked food lay on the dining room table with even more in the fridge. Kate and a clone sat on the balcony while scrolling through social media.
The young viltrumite spoke on the phone as he got ready. The ID read 'Nolan.' Taz walked to the kitchen and poured himself a glass of water. The middle aged viltrumite continued to speak through the phone.
"-and she has a notebook. I think it's Damien Darkblood's. I hate it when she hides it from me. Did she forget that I'm a viltrumite? I can literally see what you're doing, woman!" Nolan ranted. He seemed to be complaining about his wife.
"Mmhmm." The stoic soldier grunted, not really listening. He walked back into the bedroom and grabbed his toiletry bag.
"Anyways, I just wanted to warn you. Cecil isn't the only one who got Mark's blood samples that day. There's an orphanage in the college town. I think they're experimenting on children with our dna." He explained. The young viltrumite raised an eyebrow.
"Should you really be telling me this over the phone?" Taz responded. The man was literally dumping classified info over the cell phone. There was no way in hell Cecil wasn't listening.
"Who cares. Everything is almost over anyways. If the line is tapped, it's tapped. Nothing will change. I'm finding it hard to even consider covering my tracks anymore." Nolan exclaimed.
Omni Man was forcefully detaching himself from humanity. This was a common trait that viltrumites had to go through before committing to the conquest. Ending relationships. Making your tracks visible to force yourself further over the edge. His wife and son were the only thing keeping him human at the moment, but even that was fading. Debbie was making it hard for him to remain dormant.
"Well, it certainly sounds like it. I wouldn't have minded trying college though." Taz spoke with a bit of melancholy. Nolan was silent for a while. Eventually, he spoke.
"Just think of our time here as a phase in your life. There will be many more. Taz, I just want to tell you one more thing."
"You only have a few days left. Enjoy it while you can."
The elite soldier stared at his phone. Nolan had hung up on him after giving him the doomsday countdown. Just this phone call alone had revealed information about Absolver. If Donald or Cecil was listening, they'd now know for sure that Taz was a viltrumite. Some would think it was a stupid decision to expose themselves over the phone. It was actually the opposite.
Nolan had pushed the young hero into a corner. Even if he wanted to remain on Earth, it would be nigh impossible with his origin revealed. It only reinforced the mission they both had. To conquer this world. This was an optional mission for Taz, which is something Omni Man didn't know.
The stoic hero glanced at Kate who was giggling at a funny video, then glanced back at his phone. He placed it back in his pocket with a sigh. Among the clothes in his travel bag was a white and grey suit. It had a hood connected to the back and a grey skirt-like cloth around the waist.
'It's been a while since I've worn this.' He thought.
Taz didn't see a reason to wear his normal black suit at the moment. His days as Absolver were near its end. He did enjoy wearing the suit, but he'd been wearing it even before coming to Earth. It was time to let it breathe.
His sights returned to Kate who was enjoying the breeze outside. She only wore an oversized shirt - one of Taz's- and knee high socks. Her skin truly was enticing at the moment. The stoic man walked over to the balcony and wrapped his arms around both of her from behind. The chinese beauties leaned into his embrace.
"You sure you don't want to go?" He asked. Kate rolled her eyes.
"You gonna carry me the whole time? I'm only at 75%."
"I could. Do you want me to?"
"...It's fine."
"Alright. There's plenty of food and-"
"I know, Taz. I watched you cook it."
"Sassy." He commented before squeezing copy Kate's apple shaped bottom. Kate prime shook her head.
"You like it." She admonished.
After enjoying their soft frames a while longer, his phone rang. Taz checked his phone to see a text notification. It was from Eve.
'We're here.'
Upon reading the message, he kissed both Kates and gave them a hickey. He then grabbed his bags. Right before opening the door, he spoke.
"I'll see you in a few days. I hope you're still here when I return." He said.
Even if she wasn't, he'd find her soon enough. It was the sentiment that mattered. This would be the first time he had left her since she found out about his murders. There was no telling what she would do.
Kate watched him leave with a weird look on her face. It was as if she was hesitating on if she should stay or disappear. Even though she loved him, she knew something was off. She wanted time to process it, but Taz had smothered her in affection as he always had. This made her less confident in leaving. It's always hard to leave a comfortable place.
Even then, she knew that if she left, he'd find her and smother her with more affection. He'd never let her go. The chinese beauty loved and hated that part. A few minutes after he left, she got up and ran to the bedroom. She went into the closet again and found his hero suit.
"Tch." She clicked her tongue in disappointment. The wristguard was gone. Taz had brought it with him. Her fingers tapped on her phone screen. A ringing sound was eventually heard.
"Hey, Debbie. It's Kate. Do you think I can come over to talk?"
"Oh? Of course you can, sweetie."
When Taz got to the street, he saw a car parked on the curb. Will sat behind the wheel and Mark sat in the passenger seat. Eve and Lexi sat in the back. The young man approached the car. Once he was close enough, Will saw him through the side mirror and popped the trunk.
The car shook for a second as the bags were thrown in the trunk. The back door opened and he sat next to Lexi. He immediately rubbed his temples. It would be a long ride with her in the car.
"Took you long enough. What were you even doing? Brooding in a corner?" Lexi mocked.
"Packing." He responded. Mark leaned back in his seat.
"Thanks for coming, Taz. I'm debating on going to this college once I graduate. At least if I have time." The ameteur hero said. Taz nodded.
Eve pulled Lexi back into a sitting position. The blonde had already begun pestering him and poking him constantly.
"Sorry about Lexi. She's been talking about you all day. Just let her get it out of her system." The redhead spoke with an apologetic tone. Taz grunted in response.
"What's that supposed to mean?!" Lexi answered in annoyance.
"Alright guys. The road trip begins now!" Will exclaimed before turning on the car.
The car slowly pulled off. As they moved away from the apartment, Taz heard Kate rustling through the closet and talking to Debbie. His face quickly turned solemn when he realized how close to the line everything was.
Was his vacation on Earth already over? It had barely been a year at this point. He had expected to be on the planet for at least a decade. Nothing is ever set in stone apparently.
"Tazzz…Hey! I'm talking to you!"
A hand waved in front of his face. This brought him back to the present. Turning to Lexi, he frowned.
"Can I help you?" He said. The blonde frowned.
"I'm being squished by you and Eve, so I'm going to lay down on top of you guys. You don't get a say. I'm dying here." She exclaimed.
Immediately after speaking, she laid down with her legs over Eve's lap and her head on Taz's lap. William watched everything from the rear mirror. Mark gulped watching the interaction.
Lexi wore a black short skirt with a white crop top. Her stomach and thighs were visible to all. Now that she was laying down, Taz and Eve were getting extreme spring scenery. Her skirt rose up easily.
"Better? You've been in my ear for the last few minutes. Shut your lips for a second." Taz commented. Lexi gazed up into his eyes with a mischievous smile.
"Make me."
The young viltrumite smirked before covering her lips with his hand. The blonde struggled for a moment before giving up. His arm wouldn't budge.
"You guys get along so well." Eve commented. Will nodded his head like chicken.
"I agree." He said. Mark just glanced at Eve through the rearview mirror. The redhead glanced at him as well. They kept looking at each other every few seconds. The sexual tension from everyone in the car was obvious. Will was the only one left out.
"Damn. Only three hours before I see my man." He muttered. Looks like he was feeling it.
The car was quiet for a while due to Taz's hand covering Lexi's mouth. The surroundings had changed, showing trees and wide fields. An hour and a half went by in the blink of an eye. They conversed the entire time as the stoic viltrumite closed his eyes to rest.
The blonde stared at his face the whole time. She couldn't speak due to his hand covering her mouth. Her eyes sparkled as an idea came to mind.
"What made you invite me, Mark?" Eve asked. Mark sweatdropped.
"Um…Well I uh…thought we could have a good time checking out the place. We've spent hero time together but I thought we should try normal stuff too." He declared. Eve raised an eyebrow.
"And Amber?" She continued. The ameteur hero shook his head.
"We broke up."
"Ohhh. I see." She commented. A smile appeared on her lips as she looked through the mirror. Mark saw her looking at him through the reflection and felt nervous. Her expression left him a bit excited though.
As they conversed about whatever, Taz's eyes shot open. He looked down at the blonde in his lap. She looked at him with tender eyes. Unknown to everyone, her tongue was playing with his palm. It drew circles around his hand before going up and down. Her eyes closed as she got into it and made out with his hand.
'This woman. Are humans this easy?' He thought.
A surge of hormones and dopamine flooded his system. He could feel his viltrumite instincts telling him to own her. The elite soldier held it at bay, knowing that he could always find Kate and her clones. Taz wouldn't just choose anyone. She wasn't anyone though. Lexi was his first friend after coming to Earth. Should he really leave her high and dry?
Eve glanced at the blonde and realized something was going on. When has she ever put on a face like that? She was one of her best friends though, so she would wait to scold her in private. The redhead wasn't the type to embarrass her friends. The man had a girlfriend for christ's sake!
Lexi sighed at his lack of a reaction and gave up for the moment. She knew that she was close, if the hardening member under her head was any indicator. Maybe she would get her wish during these next few days. The blonde then thought of other tactics as she occasionally licked his palm.
Hours passed and before they knew it, they had arrived. They pulled into a parking lot where one of the signs read 'Upstate University.' The surroundings truly showed something that Taz had never experienced.
There were frat parties going absolutely crazy as they walked by. People were drinking alcohol upside down. Cheers and screams were everywhere. Lexi wrapped around his arm as they explored the place. William's face lit up as he saw someone standing with a beer in his hand. He quickly ran over.
The two embraced each other and conversed before walking back to the group. Everyone focused on the buff athlete of a college student. Mark's best friend smiled from ear to ear as he spoke.
"Guys, meet Rick."
Hey guys. Back with another chap. Doomsday is almost here. Countdown has begun! Cheers.