
Chapter Eight

Special mass release of Easter Day!


WHEN I WAS ABOUT TO GO DOWN THE STAIRS, I met Sir Leon, the head-butler, who to my lucky is also on my side. Realizing that he seemed to want to say something to me, I stopped midway and waited for him to reach me. We he did, he bowed respectfully and kissed the back of my gloved hand.

"Your Royal Highness," then his dark-green eyes met my golden eyes again. It's been so long since I last saw him, because after my parents' death he went to the Mage's Tower and never came back. So I had forgotten how grateful he looked with those eyes, olive skin, and his shoulder-length wavy black hair. "Did you have a good night of sleep, Princess?" Oh, and his kind voice too.

I greeted him back. "Yes, Sir Leon," it was a lie, of course. But he doesn't need to know that. And I don't want to start explaining any of that again. "You seem to want to speak with me about something," he nodded. "What's the matter?"

"Her Ladyship, Viscountess Chelsea Meelany," Sir Thorin's older sister, who's me and my siblings' tutor. Although she despises me just as much as almost everybody and mistreats me too. That bitch used to beat my leg with a thick stick that she carries around.

Sigh. "What does she wants from me this time?" He seemed to hold his laughter at my reaction.

"She asked me," knowing that widow, she probably ordered him around, "to tell you that your next class will have to be on her manor. Her Ladyship explained that she won't be able to come here today!"

Ha… She probably wants to be able to beat me, once she must be afraid of doing so when my dad's around. As if I would let her do that. With a smirk on, I turned to Sir Leon, "Then tell her that we'll have our class another day. And make her understand that I won't make my schedule flexible for her, because I'm not only the Grand Duke's older daughter but a Duchess. While she's only a Viscountess, and a vassal of my dad. Tell her that I said that she must be more conscious about her place!"

Sir Leon chuckled at that, "Sorry," I smiled at him.

"Don't worry, Sir Leon. We must put people like her on her place. Otherwise, the vassals will ran free just because they are part of the Nobility. That's troublesome and might become a bigger problem for my dad in the future. Then let's deal with it now."

"If you allow me to say it," I nodded. "I agree with you, Princess. Especially when Viscountess Meelany always acts as if she was more important than you are. Always wanting to order you around! It's utterly disrespectful!" He's sounding like Kate now.

"Mm-hm. And don't tell any of this to my father, please," with a confident smile, he agreed.

"I wouldn't dare, my Princess," I might have just a few allies, but they are all loyal to me, that's something I'm sure of. "Now, if you excuse me, I have to go sent a message for the Viscountess. Sorry, for interrupting your way. Enjoy your breakfast," he bowed again.

"There's no reason to be sorry, Sir Leon. Have a good day," with a nod, he disappeared and I continued to head down.

Before I could see them, I felt their auras near me, and that froze me for a second. It's been so long since I felt this. Since I sensed them like this.

Fuck, I need to get a hold of myself!

Control your emotions, Natasha. You can't let them notice how shaken you are. And you can't lose your mind when you see neither Dalilah nor Octavian even less your mother.

Take a deep breath.


After a second, I straightened my spine and entered the private breakfast room where the five of them were already seated and eating. When my eyes met Valerian's bored face and my dad's excited expression while eating, my heart skipped a beat. And then I notice my mother and Dalilah's pretentious stance and Octavian's arrogant grin on.

I clenched my fists for an instant, but then Val and dad noticed me, followed by the other three. And when Val's navy-blue eyes met mine, his face lighten up and a smile took over his lips. I also notice how the ends of my dad's mouth got up, forming a small smile. "Sis, you came to eat with us!" Val exclaimed and got up, helping me with my chair, like a gentleman.

But why wouldn't I eat with them? Did I deny it in my past life? I don't remember. "Good morning, Tasha," dad spoke, using the nickname only he called me off. Which is a habit he always had, calling me and my siblings' names without ever saying the first syllable. Only the Goddess know why.

I bowed to him, "Good morning, dad," then I turned to my mother and bowed again, hating myself for it. "Good morning, mother!" Turning my attention back to him, annoyed and not being able to look at her for long. "Did you have a good night of sleep, dad?"

He nodded but I couldn't hhelp but notice the smirk that appeared on his face, "At least someone in here cares about how I sleep," oh. I couldn't help but giggle at how awkward the mood became. "Yes, my daughter, I slept well. I'm still a little bit tired, but thank Goddess I was able to rest."

I sat down on Val's right and looked over the food on the table. Sensing my mouth watery.

Damn, this is heaven.

Then I started to serve a little of everything, turning my plate into a mountain of food, making everyone gasp surprised. But I didn't care, I kept picking more food, and then surrounded my plate with a cup of tea, a cup of water, a cup of orange juice, and a cup of grape juice. Finally, I started eating. Although I was very careful to eat with the grace of a Princess and not like a starving monster. Although I fit in the second option.

When I looked over, everyone was starting at me. Even Val and the servants and Knights at the borders of the room. "Did no one give you food for a week, Tasha?" My father asked, stunned.

"Ha, I wish it had just been for a week and not a month," I mumbled.

April 15, 2022.

Special mass release, 5/28!

spiderlily96creators' thoughts