
Chapter 181. Lie For Lie, Part VII

Translator: Khan

Editor Group: Liber Reverie

Someone burst into tears as soon as Frey finished speaking. It was Median. She burst into tears as if she could not believe that she had become a criminal.

"Your Honor! Is that really true? She might even buy a witness!"

Mielle's voice, pretending to be sick, filled the courtroom. It was she herself who had recruited the witness.

"We've done the research so strictly that anyone can be convinced of it. If you want to check, you can make a request later. That's all the court's punishment is, but the three of you will have to undergo a separate investigation into the hallucinogen test later."

It was only then that Wendy, who realized how ridiculous the case she had been involved in, began to cry. It was only now that she realized how unjust it was to take the false charge. Only after being dismissed did she know that it was punishment… 'What a foolish woman she is.'

"If it's a punishment for hallucinogens…?"