
chapter 1

Hello ,dear readers.I hope you enjoy the story.

She was brought to the presence of the emperor.Earlier she had been beaten up;tortured is the best word.she had been falsely accused and because of the Duke's daughter,Emelia who is the master planner of all these.The emperor looked at her with disgust ,while her parents looked at her with disappointment and shame.She had been accused of wanting to kill the emperor's daughter,Samara.Therefore, she was sentenced to death by burning,once it was twelve noon the next day at the Capital.She begged and begged but everyone turned deaf years to her pleas.When she was almost burnt to crisp,in pain she opened her eyes and looked up to see her surroundings once more but,she saw her friends , Amayah and Camila smirking at her.Tears flowed down her cheeks,then she died.

And her name was ARIANNA GWEN ALLYSON.