
Chapter 2

Hours have passed since my 'little discovery'. I have come to the conclusion that I have awakened in the body of a girl named, Angelina Van Skyler. But not only that, it seems I have also traveled five years back in time.

Angelina has been diagnosed with a very dangerous and rare illness ever since she was four years old. Thus she was sent to the neighboring empire to receive better treatment. Fortunately the treatment and medicine managed to help Angelina. However it couldn't cure her, From what I heard in the past, one day her maid came to wake the sleeping Angelina, but she couldn't. The maid tried several times but Angelina couldn't wake up.

After four months, Angelina was pronounced dead.

At the moment, Angelina is thirteen years old. If she were still alive in my past life, she would've been sixteen by the time I was eighteen.

'Could I somehow meet myself in my new life as Angelina, since the real me hasn't died. Can I return to my original body? I mean, I do have that ability that woman gave me, right No, I don't think I would want to live as me anymore. After all, those people I called family my whole life, never truly cared for me at all! It would be best if I just resume life as Angelina

But there's one troubling matter with living as Angelina Skyler. Angelina is the youngest daughter of the Skyler household, meaning Evelina is my older sister...

I don't actually know much about Evelina. I just hated her for stealing Chase from me. She always acts so ignorant and cute around people. Her naive little act was irritating in my eyes. Everytime I see her, I felt a strong urge to just rip that smile off her pretty face!

Speaking of Evelina, that time when I was being... well burned, her shoulders were shaking? Wait, was she laughing at me!?

That pig! She dares laugh at me! I had always suspected there was something lurking behind that sweet facade! I knew I was right!

Later, the doctor examined me and found that I was completely cured. Everyone called it a miracle. I will soon be on my way back to the Sainthallian Empire, more specifically the Skyler estate.

I hated almost everyone there. Duke Skyler, Evelina, and even her brother. However I never gotten to know the duchess. Aside from rumors I would hear of her, I knew nothing about her. She barely attended social gatherings. But I did hear she was the most devastated when the original Angelina died.

They must be close...

"Um, miss!" A voice pulled me back to reality. I quickly turned my head to see who had called me, it was Marie. Marie is Angelina's personal and first maid ever since Angelina was an infant. She even loyally followed Angelina when she was sent away.

"Why is miss looking at me like that...?" She tilted her head rather cutely.

"Oh, nothing..."I shook my head.

"Um, well miss has been staring out the window for a while now, does miss wanna go visit the shops in town? Since miss hasn't been out in a very long time and since we will be leaving this empire soon." Marie asked.

"Hmm shops. Yeah sure!" I stood up and cast her a smile. I have never left the Sainthallian empire, this is a great opportunity to look around! "Hehe-"

"What's wrong Marie...?" I asked.

"I'm just happy seeing miss so energetic!" She jumped with excitement.

Marie is a sweet girl, she is also very supportive and cheerful. She kinda reminds me of my previous personal maid, Emma Bonn. Emma was my personal maid and she always did whatever I said. But she was executed along with me. I miss her now. I should've treated her better if I knew things were to turn out like that...

The town was very lively. The air carried the smell of fresh baked bread, flowers, and raw meat... But overall, it was lovely. The children were running along, playing together and giggling happily.

Previously, I would've thought this place was dirty, disgusting, and ugly. But this place is nowhere as dreadful as the cell I was locked up in.

"Miss look at the pretty clothes!" Marie was pointing at a dress store.

"Miss should buy something to celebrate Miss's health!" Marie looked at me with a happy and excited face. She really is energetic. I almost couldn't forgot that she's already passed the age of twenty....

"Alright..." I complied.

We headed towards the store but then someone bumped into me. It was a man wearing a cloak. From the little glimpse I caught of his appearance, he possessed blue eyes and black hair. He looked so charming that I almost didn't mind with him rudely bumping into me.

"Hey! Watch where your going! How dare you bump into our miss!" Marie shouted in anger and annoyance as if someone touched her precious treasure.

There was another man behind the man who bumped into me, he was also wearing a cloak. I scanned his appearance, he had light brown hair and green eyes.

"Hey how dare you say such a thing to- mmmmml" The man with light brown hair shouted back at Marie but the man who bumped into me soon covered his mouth.

"Enough we should go!" The man with black hair seemed to particularly be in a rush and a bad mood, but I didn't care. I wasn't exactly in the best mood either.

"You-"The man with black hair was about to say something, but I don't feel the need to hear what he has to say, so I walked pass him and entered the shop.

"Hey how dare you-!" The man with brown hair was about to shout again but he was stopped yet again.

As we were passing Marie gave them a mocking look, I smiled a little to Marie's actions.

"...." The man with black hair stayed silent.

I guess I broke his pride or something, hmph! I scoffed.

"Welcome!" A lady greeted us by the door with a polite bow as she recognizes I was a noble. She was wearing a dark cyan dress, glasses, and her hair was also tied up in a bun. "What would you like to buy, young lady?" She asked respectfully. "I would like three of your dresses please, something... elegant, I would like one with a soft color, one with a darker color, and an elegant traditional party dress." I requested.

"We can definitely arrange that for you, young lady!" The lady soon left the room to pick out the dresses that suited what I had ordered.

"Hmm? What's wrong Marie?" I noticed Marie's unusual quietness and questioned with slight concern.

"Uhh, it's nothing but miss seems different..."