
The Villain Who Dreamed

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be born into the most powerful clan and be the son of the strongest king in this era? Well, Marcus didn't have to imagine. He was born into a family where strength meant everything, but he had none. Instead of the life full of roses he was told he would have, he was told he had no magic in front of his father. He still had hope that he could be talented with a sword like his father, but to his dismay, the man who was trying to discover his talent laughed and said, "You have no talent with the sword either, but you do have talent in cultivation. In making pills..." Silence filled the room. Marcus knew he had talent in making pills to make others stronger, but his family already had people who did that, so he was just unneeded. Despite this, he just needed someone to love him, so he went on a journey to find a lover. Finally, he found someone who loved him and he loved her back, and they even started a family. By this point, Marcus was 25 years old, and his siblings had made names for themselves. Although he was unlucky, he was born into a great family and knew that others had less, so he couldn't complain. He decided to help the sick villagers in the village, but to his surprise, someone else was already helping them. It was one of the cadets to become king, known as the hero, who was most likely to succeed. Marcus, who wasn't even worthy to be in the line of succession, couldn't do much but walk away. He returned to his hut and noticed that his wife was gone. She had probably gone to gather herbs to help him make pills, so he went to the castle to meet his father, the king. On his way, he heard moaning and saw that his wife and sister were having sex. He screamed at the sight, but he couldn't do anything. His sister was many times stronger than him, even though she was younger. Feeling angry and helpless, he walked to the largest room in the castle where everyone in his family was waiting for him, except for his sister. To make matters worse, he was told that his own 5-year-old child wasn't even his. He felt like he had been slapped in the face. His son was sitting on his older brother, the only one who had been kind to him and who he loved. They said that his. At the age of five, your own son hit you and said that you were unworthy of him. However, as he struck you again The shock and pain of the moment caused you to snap, and you broke down, cursing the world. You felt a deep sense of betrayal and anger towards your family, who had never appreciated your talents and strengths. This event made you realize that you needed to take matters into your own hands and seek revenge against those who had wronged you. hey this is my first series

ogre_5582 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
11 Chs

Demon ???

Marcus halted his steps as he saw the girl. His pale, pale skin and white hair stood out, even the little red tips. A smile that could only be described as dominant appeared on his face. Most who saw this smile, which went from ear to ear, would not even believe he was human.

He approached the girl, the sound of metal clanging from his regular gear. This gear was composed of two large axes on his right and one massive sword on his back, two knives on his left, and some leather gear to protect his chest and legs. The massive sword was composed of the finest of materials, and the axes seemed run down but weirdly they seemed evil, dominant, cruel. They were just items, but that's what they excused. The knives seemed normal, and they were just enchanted to make them not break so easily.

Thump, the sound of metal clanging resounded as Marcus grew closer and closer. The smile on his face grew wider and wider before finally he stopped with his crimson eye and towering figure. With that wide, wide smile, he looked like he was right out of a horror play, as movies weren't made yet.

He stared down at the girl before picking her up and placing her in a cave, hidden very well behind a waterfall. After dashing off, he couldn't resist adding a tax for being so kind. In his hand was a jar of blood and the girl's arm, now cut just a bit. Marcus drank the blood like a vampire, saving the rest for later. His pale skin changed to a more normal color after downing the blood, before soon returning to its pale nature as he continued running to the other side of the forest. When he arrived, he hid himself in some bushes, aware that someone might have arrived before him and set traps. He stood there, waiting for about 20 minutes, but it seemed like the other person wasn't going to move anytime soon.

The panel zoomed out, and now we follow the story of a pink-haired girl. The girl woke up in a cave that was well-hidden by waterfalls and bushes. "Ow, my head hurts," she groaned, trying to piece together how she got there. The last thing she remembered was being pushed by that jerk, Sarah. As she moved her other arm, she let out a small scream as it wasn't moving right. Upon inspecting it, she found a large cut that was made by a small, sturdy object, which she determined was a knife.

The girl's heart raced as she tried to make sense of her situation. She didn't recognize her surroundings, and her arm was bleeding profusely. She knew she needed to find help quickly before she lost too much blood. As she struggled to her feet, she noticed a glimmer of light coming from a small opening in the cave's roof. With renewed hope, she made her way towards the light.

As she climbed towards the opening, she noticed that the cave was well-equipped with tools and supplies. It was as if someone had prepared the cave for her arrival. She wondered who could have done this, and why. Was it a kind stranger who stumbled upon her, or was it something more sinister?

The girl pushed aside her doubts and focused on her immediate need to stop the bleeding. She found a first-aid kit and tended to her wound as best she could. As she sat there, catching her breath, she couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching her. She listened intently for any sound that might reveal the identity of her mysterious savior, but all she heard was the sound of the waterfall outside.

Hours passed, and the girl grew weary. She knew she needed to find her way back to civilization, but she didn't know where to start. She looked around the cave one last time and noticed a note tucked away in the corner. With trembling hands, she opened it and read the message:

"Don't try to leave. You're safer here with me. - M"

The girl's heart sank as she realized she was not alone in the cave. She didn't know who this "M" was, but she knew she needed to find a way out before it was too late she muttered just 1 word "DEMON".

30 minutes ago, Marcus was hiding when someone appeared behind him and said, "So you were the person I was sensing. I am amazed you stayed hidden for this many hours." Marcus jumped and grabbed his most reliable weapons, the knives, and was waiting to attack. "Oh no worries, I won't attack you yet," the strange girl said. Marcus was shocked that he didn't notice her before. She said some words and they stood there looking at each other for 5 minutes or so before Marcus lunged at her with the knives in hand. He aimed for the neck, but she was soon gone. That annoyed Marcus as he grabbed his axes, putting the knives away, and waited for her to reveal herself. He lunged at the slightest noise he heard, and he had found someone hiding in fear of fighting. He chopped their head off like a piece of wood. Marcus was looking for the girl. It seemed that only the three of them had made it here so far, as the others are most likely still fighting. Marcus wasn't dumb. If she wasn't going to show herself, she most likely didn't want to fight. So he kept one of his two axes out and rushed to the area where the fruits were. It seemed for the top three, they were given freshly cooked meat. So Marcus, being second, took the second and third meat as he killed the third but left the first alone. Making enemies with that girl would be annoying. So after grabbing the meat and some fruits, he dashed towards the waterfall, making sure to make no noise. He even got rid of his knives for faster mobility, but everything else he owned was far too valuable to give up, especially his axes. He arrived at the waterfall about fifteen minutes later. The fight had lasted about 15 minutes anyway. As he arrived, he heard a girl whisper "DEMON." His smile grew as he forgot about her. Now, this may just be the fun he was looking for.

2 more chapters coming out soon

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