
The Villain Saves the Male Lead

Ren, a modern doctor and a secret master magician, suddenly finds himself inside a random book he picked up at the airport...as the villainous older brother of the protagonist. As the bad guy, he's supposed to make life difficult for the Male Lead until the latter grows up and kills him in revenge. However, looking at the broken teenager in front of him, Ren can't help but feel his heart soften. Fang was an orphan who had never known what a family is. Abandoned at birth, all he knew was pain and fear. He loved nothing, and wanted nothing...until he saw the angelic Wade. To save Wade, Fang didn't hesitate to sacrifice himself. ..after all, there was no one to cry over him. But then, Ren appeared and turned his world upside down.

Jaywalker_Holmes · LGBT+
Sin suficientes valoraciones
268 Chs

29 - Smack! Smack! Smack!

After settling all the issues, Pax and Wolf left.

Fang was rather silent.

"What's wrong?" Ren asked. "Do you think it's too much for you? We can cancel the event and simply use the email, then."

Fang shook his head. With Ren sitting next to him, he could face an entire army without getting nervous. What he was worried about was something else entirely.

"Eagle Hunter Gang..." he murmured. "Was it those guys who...attacked Wade?"

Ren nodded. "Just some garbage getting their just desserts."

Fang looked away. "Does it bother you?"

"Does what bother me?" Ren asked, tilting his head like a curious cat.

"That I...that I've been...touched...by other people? By so many dirty perverts? That I..." Fang couldn't continue.

Ren pulled the teenager into his arms and held him protectively. "It makes my blood boil," he said quietly. "I want to chop off every hand that touched my precious Fang with malice, I want to pull out every tongue that utters a word against you, I want to gouge out every eyeball that looks at you with ill intent."

Fang stared at him in shock.

Ren gave him a self-deprecating smile. "What? I'm a villain after all, even though I pretend to be kind and gentle most of the time." His eyes glowed. "Scared?"

Fang shook his head. "I'm a little... happy."

Ren raised an eyebrow. "Oh? You like overbearing tyrant CEOs?" he teased.

Fang shook his head and poked Ren on the chest with a slim finger. "I just like this overbearing tyrant CEO."

Ren laughed happily.

Fang watched him fondly for a while. Then he asked, "Aren't we bullying the university representatives too much?"

Ren huffed. "They caused you trouble," he said imperiously. "I'm being kind and letting them keep their puny lives!" He waved his arms dramatically. "How dare they covet my most precious treasure?"

Fang giggled softly. "Yes, Your Majesty."

Their plan worked out quite well. Many concerned employees of Sirocco from all over the world reached out to their respective universities to enquire - it turned out that several of these so-called representatives were not even genuinely affiliated with these universities! Moreover, the faculty and student members of the recruitment committees of all universities immediately got in touch with the HR department of Sirocco to verify the person they had sent to Fang - no one wanted to offend a giant like Sirocco when it came to future recruitment! Look at how big that young CEO Ren had made the company in just five years when starting from scratch - and the boy was only twenty now; even the sky wasn't the limit for such a person! Who cared why this tyrant had taken Fang under his wing?! The main thing was - there was absolutely no sense in making an enemy of Sirocco for the sake of a seventeen year old student. After all, Fang wasn't the only genius in the world - they could always get other brilliant students!

And thus, the public meeting was conducted under the sharp eyes of the Blue Wolves. All the fake representatives had already been weeded out by then, and ones in attendance were the genuine ones. The fake representatives were thoroughly questioned by the Blue Wolves before turning them over into police custody. A lot of very useful information for their side-project had been gathered this way.

The genuine University representatives were thoroughly terrified by now. Earlier, they had gotten carried away by the unruly and bold actions of the fake ones - but now their own jobs and the reputation of their universities was on the line because of that! Who could have thought that the little orphan boy they were chasing had such a powerful backer? Especially when the backer was such a tyrannical CEO who didn't care about anything at all?!

Ren's ruthless and decisive actions scared a lot of people. Of course, there were the dreamy eyed ones who saw the entire thing as Ren's benevolent protection of Fang (Wade was among these) and sighed endlessly, fantasizing about the day someone would do the same for them.

The event went well. Everyone made their speeches and presentations well and were very polite when interacting with Fang. Fang was always a handsome and eloquent child, and under Ren's meticulous care, he'd been nurtured to become such a charming youngster that he stole hearts the moment he walked into the room. He was polite and well-spoken and interacted nicely with everyone.

And, naturally, with Ren hovering over the boy's shoulder like a demonic guardian angel, everyone was so well behaved that Fang had no trouble at all.

Plenty of people were curious about the relationship between Ren and Fang, of course, but no one dared to raise a question. They were simply grateful that Ren had actually given them a fair chance to woo the young genius Fang despite the unpleasantness earlier. In fact, the more these guys reflected on their previous actions, the worse they felt. Why had they acted like such morons? They were all scholars; respectable representatives of top universities...how could they have acted like those toxic brainless fans chasing a celebrity?!

Scholars are naturally smart - and they soon realised that they had been misled and nearly forced to provoke a sleeping dragon by seemingly innocent people with dubious motives. Thinking it over, they were all too happy to turn in these miscreants to curry some favour and earn some goodwill from Sirocco!

Thus, the Blue Wolves and their associates managed to get hold of a lot of leads and tracking these back to the masterminds was child's play, exactly as Ren had said.

"You're a monster," Wolf told Ren a few days later, presenting a list to him. Naked admiration shone in his eyes.

Fang felt a little uncomfortable which he reluctantly admitted to be jealousy.

"Don't worry, Wolf's as straight as an arrow and I'm as bent as a hook," Ren said absently. "We were fake dating back then to deal with something."

"Sorry," Fang said, ashamed.

Wolf laughed heartily and patted the teenager's shoulder. "Don't fret - Ren's actually pleased that you're jealous. Look at that smug face."