
The Villain Saves the Male Lead

Ren, a modern doctor and a secret master magician, suddenly finds himself inside a random book he picked up at the airport...as the villainous older brother of the protagonist. As the bad guy, he's supposed to make life difficult for the Male Lead until the latter grows up and kills him in revenge. However, looking at the broken teenager in front of him, Ren can't help but feel his heart soften. Fang was an orphan who had never known what a family is. Abandoned at birth, all he knew was pain and fear. He loved nothing, and wanted nothing...until he saw the angelic Wade. To save Wade, Fang didn't hesitate to sacrifice himself. ..after all, there was no one to cry over him. But then, Ren appeared and turned his world upside down.

Jaywalker_Holmes · LGBT+
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268 Chs

2 - The Drenched Beggar

Two months later, Ren had fully assimilated into his new character. After all, this Ren was only a twenty year old brat - managing his little company and dealing with the puny mafia was nothing to the experienced Dr. Ren! The entire Spider Gang was now rotting in jail, and the company's valuation had already risen twofold. Ren was now looking to diversify into medical research and hospitals - after all, that was his expertise. Negotiations were going well, and he would be inaugurating the first hospital in a few days.

Initially, Ren had been worried about the consequences of acting unlike the original villain. However, his worries were soon dispelled. No matter what he did, no matter how unlike a villain he acted, nothing happened. He even secretly funded an orphanage and sent all the children there to a reputed school without any repercussions.

This orphanage was the one where the Male Lead grew up. The book had mentioned that a kind-hearted investor had suddenly decided to fund the education of the orphans. Ren took over that role smoothly and was fully convinced that he could do as he wished.

Ren was an optimistic person in general. He realised soon enough that he couldn't return to his original world. He missed his parents, but there was nothing he could do about it. So he devoted himself to his current life while continuing the search for a way back on the side.

His magic powers were intact, though, and this was very helpful for him. There didn't seem to be a magic guild in this world so far, so he could only keep his powers hidden. Ren's intuition told him that the guild existed in this world as well, and his return to his home world depended on them. For now, he could only keep his eyes and ears open.

Overall, Ren wasn't particularly dissatisfied with his current life, he thought as he watched the urban scenery passing by

"Master Ren, we will be driving by your favourite bakery. Would you like to stop for a bite?" Pax's voice broke through Ren's idle thoughts.

"Sure," Ren replied. Maybe he should pick up a bunch of pastries for everyone. Villain Ren had excellent subordinates and servants around him, and Dr. Ren appreciated them very much and already considered them as his own people. And he'd definitely treat his people well.

The luxurious sedan pulled to a stop in front of a bakery a few minutes later. A light drizzle sprayed over Ren as he alighted from the car and entered the bakery. The shop owner came over with a big smile as soon as she saw him.

"Welcome, Master Ren," she greeted.

"Thanks, Mrs. Li," Ren said. "I'd like to treat all my people today - what would you recommend?"

Mrs. Li glowed with happiness and half an hour later, Ren's car was filled with a huge pile of pastry boxes.

Pleased with himself, Ren stepped out of the shop. A muffled thud caught his attention and he walked towards the sound. Pax hurried after him.

A drenched young beggar sat in the corner of the alley next to the bakery. A few men surrounded him. The earlier sound was probably one of them kicking the beggar.

"No beggars are allowed in this lane," said a young man - probably the ringleader of this neighborhood gang - haughtily.

"I'm not a beggar," came a hoarse voice. "I was just resting here for a bit."

Ren frowned. That tone of voice clearly showed a serious infection.

The gang of men jeered.

"Look at those clothes - you still dare to claim you're not a beggar?!"

"Get lost, you worthless creature!"

"Go die somewhere; don't dirty our eyes!"

The poor creature simply bowed his head and said nothing.

A wave of pity washed over Ren. He cleared his throat loudly and strode forward.

"There you are," he announced, throwing an arm around the young beggar's shoulders. "Why did you run off in the middle of filming? Look how drenched you are. What will we do if you fall ill?"

The boy looked up at him, startled. Ren felt a sense of familiarity, but he couldn't remember seeing this boy before.

Pax, very efficiently, sent away the gang.

"Thank you," the boy said gratefully. "I'm really not a beggar."

"I know," Ren said gently. " You don't even have a bowl, and a proper beggar wouldn't hide in a corner like this."

The boy's lips trembled.

"Come, I'll drop you home," Ren offered, ignoring Pax's horrified look. "Where do you live? You look a bit ill, shall I take you to a hospital first?"

The boy shook his head.

The feeling of familiarity grew stronger, even though Ren was sure he'd never seen this boy before. He looked about thirteen or fourteen - and he'd have remembered those unusual purple eyes.

Wait...purple eyes?!

Wasn't that the defining characteristic of the Male Lead?! And wasn't the Male Lead supposed to be sixteen?! What was with this malnourished runt? Where was seedling for the six feet three inches tall, handsome man he was supposed to grow into...?

This was too pitiful.

"You look a little familiar..." Ren said hesitantly. He needed to confirm the identity of this child immediately. "Are you from... Orchid Orphanage?"

The boy shivered and evaded his eyes. He nodded.

Ren frowned and looked at his watch. "Shouldn't you be in school at this hour? Why are you here? Your school is in a completely different part of town."

The boy backed away, terrified. "Who...who are you? How can you possibly know that?!" he cried.

"Of course he knows," Pax spoke up. "Master Ren is the one who sponsored the education of all the children at Orchid Orphanage."

The boy clung to the alley wall, shaking all over. "I...I..."

Ren sighed and held out his hand. "You're...Fang, right? Come on, let's get you to a hospital first."

"No, I...I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I...I..." the boy shrank away like an injured animal and then fainted abruptly.